
19.01.2038 6632
"Akbilek" - a well-known novel of the Kazakh writer Zhusipbek Aymauytov. For the first time published in 1927 this novel was under a ban till 1989, and only in 2007 was translated into Russian. All researchers of Aymauytov’s creativity admire fine language of the writer, his ability to give precisely feelings and moods of the heroes.

On the first pages of the novel we can see a «beloved Mamyrbay’s daughter Akbilek in a white dress fluttering on wind rings gold earrings and silver esclavage…».

The images of «ideal girls» will always heat the imagination by their femininity, purity, sincerity and strength of mind. And "Aymauytov’s" girls and women are not less interesting and attractive. Researchers fairly believe that classical archetypes of the Kazakh girl and the woman were entered into a literary world by Aymauytov. The Aymauytov’s heroine Akbilek «ideally corresponds to tradition of education of the daughters by the Kazakh fathers, wishing to see them gentle, modest, and, at the same time, determined and courageous». Aymauytov - the son of his time, and he described the heroine probably according to his own image of the ideal girl - ideal for THAT and THIS time.
