It has been 93 years since the Union of Writers of Qazaqstan was established.


12.07.2018 24656

It has been 93 years since the Union of Writers of Qazaqstan was established. It happened in 1925. Pioneers of the Union of Writers of Qazaqstan were public figures, politicians and such writers as Saken Seifullin, Beyimbet Mailin. Firstly, in 1925, the Association of Proletarian Writers of Qazaqstan was formed in the country. It united young talents and supporting them people. Later on, in 1934, the organization was transformed into the Union of Soviet Writers of Qazaqstan.

The organization consisted from creative circles on prose, poetry, drama, literary translation, essay, satire, fiction, children's literature, Russian, German, Korean, Uyghur literature. If in 1925 the Writers' Union of Qazaqstan consisted of only 10 members, at present time it consists of more than 900 people. There are branches in 11 regions of Qazaqstan and in Astana.
