About Madina Baybolova and her book ‘The Book of a Married Woman’


14.02.2019 2806

On May 20, 2015, a new female writer appeared in the literary arena of Qazaqstan, her name is Madina Baybolova. (She is 38 years old, she is the mother of three children, two from the first marriage and one from the second). On that day, the presentation of her first book ‘The Book of a Married Woman’, took place.

a picture is from open sources

In this book she tells how to stay happy after many years of marriage; how to be a loving wife and a caring mother without sacrificing your own interests; how to be attractive and more desirable for your husband after years of living together.

The book will help its female readers to prioritize their values and to acquire new effective habits to live a happily married life notwithstanding its ebb and flows and go up and downs.

In 2017, Madina Baybolova released the third edition of her book (3,000 copies). Earlier, in 2015, two circulations of the book were issued with 2000 copies in each.

The debut book ‘The Book of a Married Woman’ by Madina Baybolova became a bestseller in Qazaqstan and won many literary prizes. The story of how to build a happy and harmonious relationship found a response from hundreds of women who have adopted the secrets and techniques described by the author in the book.

a picture is from open sources

The book is autobiographical. The writer says that she still remembers how worried and wondered whether her book would be accepted and understood by readers or not. It was a kind of risk, she says, that was justified.

“I am proud that ‘The Book of a Married Woman’ appeared among the 20 finalists of the international literary contest ‘Open Eurasia Book Forum, London, Cambridge, UK-2015’”, the author of the book shares her opinion. This is the only literary festival in the world that promotes literature and writers of the Eurasian region on an international scale.

“But the biggest reward for me is a feedback of my readers. Since the book has been published, I have got hundreds of letters with words of thanks from those whose marriages started falling apart, and who were able to find the strength to keep them, from those who considered married life a routine and thanks to the ‘The Book of a Married Woman’ was able to create a positive climate in a marriage. I highly appreciate my readers’ feedback. It fires me up and keeps me going”, says Madina Baybolova.

Today, Madina Baybolova arranges master classes on the preservation of harmonious relationships in the family (under a title “A Formula of Family Happiness”) and on parenting (under a title “Let’s Bring Up Happy Children”). They are in a great demand among the female audience. At the same time, Madina Baybolova has an intention to complete work on the second book entitled “A Long and Happy Life”.

The idea of ​​writing a new book came to Madina Baybolova from the desire and need of people to work on their relationships. According to the author, it will be a more mature view on the marriage relationships. It is based on the dialogues of the writer with men and women with over 20 years of experience in marriage.

“I tried to find answers to the most significant questions: how to build strong marriage relationships, what to avoid and what points to pay attention to at the beginning of their creation, and what is the secret of a long and happy family life. Building and maintaining relationships is one of the most important things in our life. That is why it is very crucial for all of us. Moreover, it is important for me, because I want to have a happy family life”, the writer shares her opinion.

The writer says the following about herself.

I have a light temper. I can adapt to people and feel their mood.

I plan carefully my day. I run a tight ship at home, I can say that as a mother, I am very strict.

I like to read books, watch interesting films. Usually I watch positive, light movies. My husband loves dramas and psychological thrillers, I can join him, but that kind of films are not for me.

In recent years I have been reading books most of all on self-development. By today I discovered for myself the writer Robin Sharma. He writes deep and wise things, but they are at the same very easy. Sometimes I read fiction. I love to read children's books. Me and my children time to time read ‘Harry Potter’.

For me, the most important value in life is my family. I came to this understanding after thirty. There are such moments when you start to think about what awaits you ahead, what you strive for. When I began to rethink my life, I realized that when I will be 80 years old, the most important thing for me would be the warm atmosphere at home, my children and grandchildren who would gather together at the same table, the gratitude of my husband for having me by his side and inspiring his life.


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