10 interesting facts about Sully Prudhomme
Sully Prudhomme was a French poet and essayist, in 1901, becoming the first Nobel Prize in literature.
1. The real name of the poet-René François Armand Prudhomme. Sully-Prudhomme-the name of his father.
2. He studied at the Lycée Bonaparte eight years, where he was fond of mathematics, classical languages and French verse addition.
3. Sully-Prudhomme-the most brilliant representative of the Group of French poets “Parnassus”. TheGroup'smottois “Actandhope”. For poets-Parnassus has characterized the idea of literature as a skill, rather than inspiration.
4. His first collection of poems "Stanzas and poems» met universal approval.
5. He was in love with his cousin, after her refusal never married, remained a lifelong bachelor.
6. Prudhomme was a member of the Franco-Prussian War and his health struck during the war.
7. In the year 1901 Sully-Prudhomme became the first winner of the Nobel Prize in literature with the wording: “For outstanding literary virtues, especially for high idealism, artistic perfection, as well as the unusual Association of heart and mind”.
8. Due to illness he did not took part in the ceremony of awarding the Nobel Prize.
9. Sully-Prudhomme, the founder of the French literary prize for young poets.
10.The most famous work of Sully-Prjudoma-poem “The Broken vase”.
Marfuga Shapiyan
LE VASE BRISÉ (Original - French)
Le vase où meurt cette verveine
D’un coup d’éventail fut fêlé ;
Le coup dut effleurer à peine :
Aucun bruit ne l’a révélé.
Mais la légère meurtrissure,
Mordant le cristal chaque jour,
D’une marche invisible et sûre
En a fait lentement le tour.
Son eau fraîche a fui goutte à goutte,
Le suc des fleurs s’est épuisé ;
Personne encore ne s’en doute ;
N’y touchez pas, il est brisé.
Souvent aussi la main qu’on aime,
Effleurant le cœur, le meurtrit ;
Puis le cœur se fend de lui-même,
La fleur de son amour périt ;
Toujours intact aux yeux du monde,
Il sent croître et pleurer tout bas
Sa blessure fine et profonde ;
Il est brisé, n’y touchez pas.
Œuvres de Sully Prudhomme, Alphonse Lemerre, éditeur, s.d., Poésies 1865-1866 : Stances & Poèmes (pp. 11-12).
The Broken Vase (English)
The vase where this verbena’s dying
Was cracked by a lady’s fan’s soft blow.
It must have been the merest grazing:
We heard no sound. The fissure grew.
The little wound spread while we slept,
Pried deep in the crystal, bit by bit.
A long, slow marching line, it crept
From spreading base to curving lip.
The water oozed out drop by drop,
Bled from the line we’d not seen etched.
The flowers drained out all their sap.
The vase is broken: do not touch.
The quick, sleek hand of one we love
Can tap us with a fan’s soft blow,
And we will break, as surely riven
As that cracked vase. And no one knows.
The world sees just the hard, curved surface
Of a vase a lady’s fan once grazed,
That slowly drips and bleeds with sadness.
Do not touch the broken vase.
(“Le Vase Brisé” by René François Armand Sully-Prudhomme (1839-1907).
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