10 facts about Mikhail V. Milonov
- Born on March 16, 1792, the estate of the Pridon Key, Voronezh vicegerency – Died on October 29, 1821, St. Petersburg) - Russian poet.
- Mikhail Vasilievich Milonov was born in a family of a poor but well-educated landowner, a mason (A follower of Freemasonry, a member of the Masonic lodge).
- In 1803 he entered the Moscow University Noble Board, from 1805 to 1809 he studied at the Moscow University.
- Having graduated with a degree in the candidate of verbal sciences, he moved to Petersburg, served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then in the Ministry of Justice.
- Since 1810 he was a member of the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts (since November 16, 1810).
- Milonov belongs to the popular at that time elegy "The Fall of Leaves" - the translation of Milvois's elephant "La Chute des feuilles" - a poem from which Pushkin used the young days of spring for the poems of Vladimir Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin".
- The only lifelong collection of Milonov's works "Satires, Epistles and Other Small Poems" was published in 1819. It is considered the forerunner of the civil poetry of the Decembrists.
- Milonov at times burdens with life, sometimes thirsts for a new life, unknown, free from vulgarity. The best poems of Milonov - autobiographical and satire. He idealizes village life in the poem "Message to the farmers", entirely romantic in spirit. Sincere in tone elegy "To my sister".
- In the press debuted in 1807 in the journal "Morning Dawn". Also published in the "Bulletin of Europe", later in St. Petersburg magazines. The author of poetic messages, elegies, poems of civil themes, satire. Especially famous became a satire "To Rubellia" (1810), perceived by contemporaries as an attack against Count A.A. Arakcheev.
- – A.S. Pushkin about him: “The satirist Milonov came one day to Gnedich, drunk, as usual, tattered and disheveled. Gnedich began to exhort him. Milonov, much afflicted, pointing to the sky-said: "There, I will find a reward for all my sufferings ..." "Brother," Gnedich retorted, "look at yourself in the mirror: will they let you go there?"
The king’s insidious flatterer, a great nobleman,
In the depths of the heart concealing malice poison
Not by the valor of the soul – Ascended by a Sodding
You sneak at me with contempt way of your look!
Will I appreciate your attention to me with praise?
Do I humble myself by being humiliated by you?
One dignity and happiness for me,
That by the feelings of the soul - you are not equal to me! ..
1810. Mikhail V. Milonov
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