The second Literary Picnic in Astana


26.06.2014 1841

On June 28 in Aray Park the second Literary Picnic organized by Astana Toastmasters Club (ATC) will be held. 

10403972_666977143355555_8549264828155523651_o.jpgThe Picnic will start at 3 pm and will consist of following parts:

1) Discussion of the book “Three comrades" by Erich Maria Remarque. Links for online reading in English and Russian languages: 

2) Part for self-expression. Everyone is welcome to participate (read favorite poems, read your own poems), so if you wish to perform, please contact the organizers of the event. 

3) Some very interesting literary contests.

The participation costs 1500 tenge. To buy tickets for admission contact:

Aizhan Seit 8-701-999-41-92 
Kaharo Bazaraly 8-701-644-27-23
Aizhan Bekturganova 8-701-165-65-42
