Ilyas Yesenberlin 100 in the UNESCO calendar


The 100th birthday anniversary of famous writer Ilyas Yesenberlin is planned to be included in the UNESCO calendar.
For 19 years, the list was replenished with 14 landmark dates of Kazakhstan: anniversaries of such famous figures, writers, poets, as Abai Kunanbayev, Mukhtar Auezov, Sabit Mukanov, Gabit Musrepov, Mahambet Utemisov, scientists: Mirza Muhammad Haidar Duhglat, Kanysh Satpayev, Alkei Margulan and Akzhan Zhaksybekuly Mashani.
In addition, among the memorable dates of UNESCO are the 1500 anniversary of the founding of Turkestan, the 2000th anniversary of Taraz, as well as the 500th anniversary of the epic "Kiz Jibek", the 100th birthday anniversary of composer Ahmet Zhubanov and the 100th birthday anniversary of artist Abylkhan Kasteev.
In 2015, it is planned to include in the UNESCOcalendar the 100th birthday anniversary of famous writer Ilyas Yesenberlin.