Literary portal is a media partner of NOVELLASIA
«Literary portal» is a media partner of the competition of writers of Central Asia "Novellasia", carried out by the NewEurasia portal. According to the results of the competition all winners’ works in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages will be placed on «Literary portal».
Two weeks left till the end of the order taking for "Novellasia" competition.

There is no age or gender limit, but contestants will be required to submit proof of Central Asian citizenship. The submissions themselves may take any form: journal-style, collections of short stories, novellas (short novels), etc. However, they must always be original works of fiction.
At the conclusion of the competition, 5 winners will be selected. They will receive cash prizes of 300 Euros each and their submissions will be translated into English and published on the NewEurasia website as “blog-novels”, meaning the content will be subdivided into series of blog posts. There will also be e-book formats of their submissions in English and the original language of their submission.
All other contestants will also be published, but only after the winners have been published, and only in the original language of their submission.
- Submissions must be original works of fiction. They must not have been published anywhere else, or under consideration for publication.
- Submissions must be no shorter than 30 type-written A4 pages and no longer than 100 type-written A4 pages. They must also be sent as MS Word docs, not pdfs or rtfs. If the work has audiovisual content or other special issues, please confer with NewEurasia before submitting.
- Works must be submitted before April 1, 2014 to
The winners will be announced on May 1, 2014.