Literary portal became the second cultural site in the country

«Literary portal» come in second in the nomination «Culture and art» of the the XII National Internet award. The first place was occupied by the literary service, and the third - "Iskusstvo AnarA" art gallery.

«Literary portal» is a unique communication platform for fans of literature. The mission of the portal is promotion of the Kazakhstan literature, creation of online literary platform where users can read and discuss works of the Kazakh and world literature, leave their reviews, comments, and also place on the portal their own works: letters, illustrations, translations, summary, verses, articles. The portal participated in a national award for the first time, and have already showed good results, having become the second cultural site in the country.
Let's remind that from year to year becomes a reflection of development of the industry of web development of Kazakhstan, making multiphase selection of the contestants applying for a rank of the best sites of the country. A strong commission of experts makes decisions, and level of participants each time becomes higher and higher.

According to, the winners were awarded yesterday in Almaty. Ceremony of rewarding took place in the Hard Rock Café restaurant the first in Central Asia belonging to a network of musical restaurants known for the whole world.