Kazcontent JSC conducts an essay contest «Менің атым Нұрсұлтан» (My name is Nursultan)
Kazcontent JSC invites you to take part in essay contest «Менің атым Нұрсұлтан» (My name is Nursultan) on November 10 - 30, 2015.
Contest purpose: this contest is coincided with the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and purposed on promoting of this state holiday.
All namesakes of the Head of State aged from 5 to 30 years are invited to participation in the essay contest.
Terms and stages of the contest
The essay contest will be carried out on November 10 - 30, 2015 in two stages.
Stage I (November 10-28, 2015) - selection of works.
Stage II (December 1, 2015) - summarizing, making a short list.
Contest results will be declared on December 1, 2015.
Procedure for holding the contest
The contest is carried out by Kazcontent JSC. The number of participants of the contest is not limited. All essays are accepted in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Each participant can provide no more than one competitive work. Selection of winners (three best works) will be carried out by the competent juries created from members of organizing committee.
Essays submission standards
Essays are accepted in an electronic format to news@el.kz In a letter subject it is necessary to specify: essay contest, the text of the letter should contain: surname and name of the author. At the beginning of essay the following data should be specified: work name, surname and name of the author, e-mail address.
The works sent on the essay contest should correspond to the following requirements: full correspondence to the subject of the contest; no more than 2 printed pages long, the Times New Roman 14 typestyle, an interval 1.0, page margin: 3 cm (left), 2 cm (other sides). Submissions deadline - November 28, 2015.
Assessment Criteria
Works will be estimated by the following criteria: compliance to requirements of competitive works standards; content-richness; intensity of developing the subject; independence; originality.
Winners of the contest (authors of three best works) will be awarded the diplomas from Kazcontent JSC and valuable prizes.
For all questions, please contact:
Darkhan Omirbek
Contact phones: +7 (7172) 79-82-29 (direct intradialing 158), 87012488690
E-mail: news@el.kz