Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Congratulations on the spring holiday Nauryz from ...

22.03.2017 4071

Congratulations on the spring holiday Nauryz from Kazakhstan poet Anuar Omar!

Congratulations on the spring holiday Nauryz from Kazakhstan poet Anuar Omar!  -

Congratulations on the spring holiday Nauryz! Nauryz - a wonderful celebration of spring. On this day, we hear good congratulations from all residents of Kazakhstan. We rejoice in this beautiful day. In honor of the Nauryz holiday, we asked local writers and poets to write their congratulations to our readers.

- Congratulations to all readers of Literary Portal - with Nauryz! More than five thousand years is a holiday of Heaven, it is a holiday of the Sun, it is a holiday of Nature, it is a holiday of Hope. Nauryz reminds humanity that man is only a part of the exorbitant force of nature, which must be stored and protected. Nauryz reminds that the planet Earth is one and the sky, as the Universe is one, and to divide is stupid and impossible. I remember the words of Andrei Voznesensky "The man is the only one alive". Therefore, I wish that all conflicts and wars end, for only the common people suffer. I wish development in all spheres of life, scientific innovations, as the snowdrop blooms forever. I wish peace! And the world is created through reading! I wish you eternal reading!

Congratulations, Anuar Omar - Literary Portal

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