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E-books or Paper books?...

04.08.2017 3213

E-books or Paper books?

E-books or Paper books? -

Nowadays most of the people ask himself a reasonable question - "What type of book to read? The electronic book or the printed paper one or listen to an audiobook?" - Literary Portal will try to answer that question. But we going to look only for Paper vs E-books. Only advantages and disadvantages of both will be shown. However, the best answer for the question which books are better is an individual for everybody.

Obvious advantages of e-books - cheapness, availability, interactivity. At the same time, nobody canceled the merits of classic paper books - status, readability, universality. Which version of the book is preferable?

Arguments for the e-book

By now, most authors know the advantages of publishing e-books:

  • The minimum price of entry to the market;
  • available in stores spread around the world;
  • No cost to produce each copy of the book;
  • Unlimited space on the bookshelf;
  • Instant accessibility of the book to readers;
  • Ease of reading anywhere
  • and any portable device (tablet, smartphone, reader, computer, etc.). Example differences books for the tablet and the reader;
  • you can add anything else.

When you publish an e-book, when you do not need to pay for the preparation of each next copy, you can put any price on the book, while retaining the opportunity to vary the cost. This is a convenient way to earn new readers. But paper books still remain in demand.

Why are paper books still irreplaceable today?

There are obvious reasons for printing paper books. Despite the fact that telephones and other electronic devices are ubiquitous, according to surveys, only 4% of readers buy only e-books. This means that 96% of readers still buy paper books. Even among a young audience (younger than 30), 50% of readers buy only paper books.

Why do readers prefer tangible books electronically? According to the surveys of such reasons several:

  • Tactile sensations - the weight of the book, its heaviness, and the smell of paper, the corners of the folded pages - is difficult to repeat in the electronic version.
  • Expectations of collectors - most lovers of reading like to show a personal library on the bookshelf.
  • Ease of learning - most of the people prefer to teach any subject on a pile of books Decomposed on the table, and not across group tabs at The browser or set bookmarks at a reader.
  • Bukinistic hopes - a reading book can be resold, exchanged or presented. The e-book can also be rewritten, but it's an incomparable sensation.
  • Expectations from the purchase - bookstores have magic and attract. Buying online happens alone.

So there was some advantages and disadvantages of Paper and E-books. But as I said before the best for an answer which book is better is individual for everyone.

by Akhan Tuleshov - Literary Portal

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