Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Forgotten memories in a forgotten suitcase...

20.02.2017 2121

Forgotten memories in a forgotten suitcase

Forgotten memories in a forgotten suitcase -


- Did you know that Dovlatov, has no car?!

- Yes of course.

The name of Sergei Dovlatov in my consciousness is connected with “Suitcase”. While reading this piece, I was pleasantly surprised how a simple thing can turn into a story. Every thing from his suitcase fills the soul and thoughts of a person, with each thing is connected with history of his life. When you reading that you would havethe feeling of gettingback to the USSR period.And breathingwith full chest the atmosphere of that time. The feeling that you get when reading in the USSR, and full chest breath the atmosphere of that time. And the good news is that she draws a smile on your face – not a sadness.

The product is very easy to read, because written in plain, understandable language. We can even say by domestic, conversational language.Here there is no fascinating, colorful hues, so why it attracts? The fact that it's real, there is nothing fictional. From Finnish socks to driver’s gloves have their own personal meaning. This is like aforgotten memories in a forgotten suitcase.

Once I read that writer Sergei Dovlatov in the last decade of his creativity way consciously avoided proposals with words that start with a same single letter. And this rule helped him avoid from verbosity. “Suitcase” is the piece, which was written by these rules.

The suitcase itself is very suitable symbol to store memories. The German writer Herta Muller, Nobel Prize holder also found such comparison: “It's been sixty years at night I remember things associated with the camp. They are – is the things of my night suitcase”. But in a piece hero remembers it all against his will, he can't sleep, because he wants to remember these things, or vice versa. And Sergei Dovlatov memories quite bright, filled with humor and positive.


He had a great treasure. As he said in one of his quotes: “God's gift as a treasure. That is literally - like money. Or valuable papers (securities), maybe jewelry. Hence - the fear of losing, the fear that it could be stolen. Anxiety - that it will depreciate over the time. And also the fear that you will die without spending it. While reading his books in other times I convinced that he used his gift correctly, he spend it and left to people incomparable Pearl.

Balnur Qizirbekqizi - Literary Portal

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