Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Forty false stories ...

25.06.2021 3929

Forty false stories 12+

Forty false stories  -

Kazakh folk fairy tale)

There are and there are not, they were hungry and full. Long, long time ago, in the days of fairy tales, the people were ruled by the khan and cried for the khan. The khan rebelled, and if the khan was free, the people became a toy ... Just as it was said, the law, like a razor, the khan, the blood-stained khan, the wine-drinking khan — proposed the decree to his people.

— Whoever comes to me and does not stumble and stutter, tells forty false stories and then sings forty false stories, I will pour the gold down from the top of that person, I will divide the wealth that will last a lifetime from my property. If I am not mistaken, I will allow my daughter to get married and make her as the vizier beside me. But I have a guarantee: if the right word or a word of truth is added to the story or poem, then I will hang it immediately! — he said.

When the khan's message spread throughout the country and spread like wildfire, the “Hopeless devil” scratched everyone's back and chin. Neither the unspoken orators nor the poets hoped from the khan's gold: “Oh, what's the matter?” He could not go to the khan and speak in the unison, and many people were crucified without any guilt.

Although some of them came from the steppe with the desire to “Tell”, when they saw the angry khan, who was covered in blood, they lost their mind, fainted, panicked, could not speak and just left the house.

The khan's palace smelled of blood from those who could not keep their promises and were hanged as a toy of an innocent khan.

Being exhausted from the poverty, a young orphan boy came at the end of the crowd with a swollen neck, like a sparrow, who had eaten all his life, wore no clothes and opened his lips. People sitting at the door said:

— “My dear! You look like a young child, and there are countless people who have died in the vain, being unable to speak or heard by the speakers or orators. My darling, what have you done to your unborn child, who has no place in life and why are you in a hurry to die? Then, you should return to your country! Take our tongues, — they say. But the boy still refuses. He entered the khan's palace, came to the khan, bowed down and knelt down. Then, the khan said:

— Well, what do you have to say? — he asks.

— Your Majesty! I want to hear your decree and tell you a false story. The khan laughed, sneered and did not look in the eye of child:

— “Adults can't do it, you can do it”, — he said.

— Your Majesty! Has my soul been honored for a long time? If I can't tell you, I'll take care of myself, — he says.

— “Well, let's talk”, said the khan. Then, the orphan boy began to speak.

— Your Majesty! When I was on my father's back, in my mother's womb, I had taken care of my father's horses for fifteen years. I received a profit for myself and got married, and I have five or six children now. The youngest of my children is twenty-five now; ten years older than me.

On the hot summer day in August, I chased after my horse as if it were an enemy. When I came to the shaft, you knew the heat of the sun, the water in the well was thick, and my hand became frozen. I got up on the horseback and hit the ax. So that, it wouldn't get wet, I didn't cut it, I hit it like that – it didn't work, then, the blade's face was covered; I put my ax in my pocket, took my crow in my arms, and stroke it on one side, then to other side – my crow was bent.

Now, I was wondering what to do, and I thought of the way: I immediately grabbed my chest, pulled it out of my chest and gently tapped the ice with my thumb.!

Then, when I counted my horses in the yellow wax and blue alfalfa, which had broken the blue ice, and checking them without counting them, it turned out that my six-legged foal, born from the mare, had disappeared from the both sides, inside and outside the horse; I didn't know that the thief had taken it, I didn't know that he had taken the fairy, I put a spear in the ice, climbed on his head and looked around in order to see, if I could find it. I stabbed him in the head with a knife, thinking that my tail was low, and I went out and looked at it, but it was not visible again. I stabbed him in the head with my knife and looked at him, but he didn't see me, I was still in a good mood, I stabbed him with my whip and raised him again, I looked at him too, I didn't see the enemy again. “What do I need to connect?” When I closed my eyes and thought, I remembered. I had a needle under my tongue, and I was so happy that I stabbed it in the head with a whip and went out and stared at it – I couldn't see it again. When I was in a crisis, I asked him for the advice, “Don't worry, tell me what to do next, if you have a mind”. He swears while lying down and insults me. What does he say when he insults me? “If you weren't a dog, wouldn't you close your eyes and look up at the sky before turning around and looking at the ground?” That's right. “Oh, don't you see the sky is covered with clouds?” I swear, “I swear, didn't you have a hand? Couldn't you have swept the clouds from one end to the other?” – he said.

I thought that he was right, and as soon as I reached out and swept away the clouds, the sun shone brightly. When I inherited it, closed my eyes and looked at the sky: it is so wonderful, what could be better? On the other side of the Iron stake, on the front side of the Vesper star, at the foot of the Kap mountain, I saw my greedy slave, who had not been able to look for a long time. I was as happy as if my wife had given birth to the son, and I jumped on my head. But there was a sea between us, and I was about to go into the sea with my boat and my oars as the paddle, and I was drowning as well.

When I put the young foal in front of me, leaned him forward and went back to the sea, and I was sinking at that time; As soon as, I rode on a young colt, turned my mother-in-law in front of me and came down: I passed the sea, not the surface, not the bottom, not the middle side, and I just passed as a cheese.

When I got on the horse, I tied the mother-in-law to the colt, the colt to the stallion's tail, and drove it out into the field without adding anything to the horse.

At one point, I looked up at the moon's ice and saw an unborn rabbit at the bottom of an unfinished swan's nest; I took my bow and shot from the side of the stream, but it didn't pass; When I put the stalk on the entrance and pulled the stalk, it flowed like a star and just left.

I hurriedly tied my horse to the peg and put dung on my skirt. At one point, I saw that my horse was on its own, and it was terrified and overwhelmed, then I wanted to dump my shit and walk to my horse, alas, everything I have been collecting as dung has been quailed, and it just flew away!

It was the neck of the swan that I tied my name to; That's why my name was born, scared of its wings. I grabbed my name, pinned it to the ground, tied my name to it, and sighed there. I don't have a knife to kill a rabbit I shot. “Oh, where are you?” I remember how I have been going there for three days and three nights. It was forgotten when I was stabbed in the head. I was too lazy to go back, so I pulled out one of the teeth and gave it to the soybean. When did I put the rabbit in my slaughterhouse and kill it in three days? I roasted and salted the meat and put it in a whole pot to melt the fat, but when I melted it, no oil flowed into my suction. I would throw away the whole pot and put it in a hole in the pot. My lord, have you seen such an interesting thing? Then, a drop has just stopped there!

When I loaded the melted butter into a bowl, I could barely fit one camel's belly, bull’s belly, and one badger's belly.

“What day can I use this little oil? Maybe it's a prey to lubricate my boots”, I said, rubbing my head, and one of my boots was torn. Not enough to settle down. Those boots are completely untouched. When I took a piece of rabbit`s meat with my hands to cook it in the sun and put it in my mouth. There is saying, “A man needs an appreciation for his talent”. Then, I was horrified, my mouth was out of place, my heart was frozen and I said, “Oh, my mouth!” Where is it? I stroked my face again and again: I don't have a mouth, it's a toy, so I don't have a head. My lord, I will never forget the fear I had there.

“Oh, my God! How can I live without my head?” As I put my hand on my forehead and meditated, someone grabbed me by the shoulder and said, “Dad, do you know this guy?”, he said. When I look around and see that the child I found is my own child. Darling, where did you find this?” When I asked him, he said, “Suat is lying, where he woke up. I recognized that he was your head”. My lord, I still remember how happy I was! “Speak up! Be rich! Let there be more descendants!” I thanked my son for the blessing.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to sleep for a long time, and at the same time, I feel as if I have fallen asleep. As I lay on the ice and covered with snow, I fell asleep like a dead man in the heat of the bed. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I was frightened by the sound of something, and I saw that my two boots were fighting with fists and red blood. “Hero, how are you?” When I asked, my non-greased boots smiled and said, “I'm sorry, your greedy man drank all the fat and didn't even touch my mouth”. My second boot just hit my boot and said, “Are you scared to see me lacking in fat because you don't have enough money?” he said. Isn't he furious? I tapped them on the foreheads one by one and laid them on both sides.

When I woke up in the morning, I saw that my unbuttoned boots had run away in the middle of the night. “Let's run ahead!” I put both my feet in one boot and chased after them.

I went from month to month; I was feeling myself exhausted, and my name died, then I had been walking for years; My shoes burned and my relationship died at home. One day, I came across a farmer who was planting melons on the bull's shoulder. A poor farmer put a ripe melon in front of me and said, “Dude, you have a knife, you can cut it yourself.”. When I took it out and put it in the melon, the squirrel was free, the iron came out and fell into the melon ... I was a hot contemporary, how could I cut my eyes off?” I dived into the melon and left. And, I look and said, there are no mountains, no rocks, no groves. At least for a week, I saw a poor man who was staring at me. I asked him to tell me the meaning and symbol of my death, because God had spat in my face, saying “Tpu”. “Oh! Are you mad? Why are you spitting? I'm not asking!” I said. Oh, he didn't lag behind me; Gradually, he said, “You are crazy, I have been raping my name for a month and I can't find a stallion, and you are looking for an iron bar that's less than four countries”. Unable to bear it, I lay there and fought, we had no blood, no beard, and finally he and I got tired, and we both stopped fighting, started shooting at each other and left.

One day, I came across a large country where a large congregation was feeding. “It's all right, let me ask you for my boots and my time at this meeting”, I said as I walked along the fireplace, carrying a plate among the young men who were pulling a plate and running away. My eyes filled with tears, and I jumped for joy, as if I had found a baby. The eyes of my boots were red with embarrassment, and he brought me a plate of kazy-karta, that he was carrying in his hand, and asked, “Was this an oil you didn't cut for me yesterday?” He put a pop in front of me.

Share, share! Your Majesty, Lord! I will never forget an embarrassment. Oh well, my lord! This is what I have been through since I was born, — said the boy.

The khan was astonished that the boy did not stumble and did not say the word.

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