Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Khabdesh Zhumadilov is a painter and writer ...

08.11.2020 2564

Khabdesh Zhumadilov is a painter and writer 12+

Khabdesh Zhumadilov is a painter and writer  -

If we view Kazakh literature as a thematic point of view, it would be like a lake. In addition to the ancient tradition of oral tradition, rich folklore, oriental contributions and epics were the trends that adapted the Kazakh community to prose. It would not be an exaggeration to say that when the modern Kazakh literature was formed and its genres began to diversify, the prose genre in our literature immediately rose to the world heights. This is because the heights conquered by Mukhtar Auezov, Zhusupbek Aimautov, Beimbet Mailin, and later Gabit Musrepov are no less than the literature of any other nation. The fact that they are not recognized at the global level is an essence of another story. It is clear that the political repressions and darkness of the Soviet era, ideological restrictions were a major obstacle to the development of Kazakh prose. We can explain this due to the fact that many writers were innocently punished at an early age, died early, were persecuted by one group, and stagnated in later creative lives and any other circumstances. But in any case, the arrival of the younger generation in the literature after the Great Patriotic War, who freely mastered the process of development of the Kazakh tradition of storytelling and modern literature, has brought Kazakh prose to a new level. We can say that the general creative training of this generation was almost perfect. Although many of them were initially interested in poetry, later they became the masters of poetry genre.

In other words, a large group of writers came to our national literature with their own voice, great artistic signature, the best examples of world literature, who came up with their own ideas and experiences, and thus brought new impetus and characteristics in the 60s of the last century. Mukhtar Magauin, Abish Kekilbayev, Dulat Isabekov, Orazbek Bodykov, Akim Tarazi, Dukenbay Doszhan, Tolen Abdikuly, Kalikhan Iskakuly, Akan Nurmanov, Saken Zhunusov and other talented prose writers were among them. Their work coincided with the post-Stalinist barracks dictatorship, that is called “Khrushchev thaw”. At any rate, it was a time when the names of some literary figures whose names had been banned in the 1930s were reunited with the people, and the country began to disperse, albeit with little fear. It should be noted that in the twenties and thirties of the last century, a large group of Kazakhs, who fled abroad from various social changes and revolutions, famine and political persecution, crossed the border of the Soviet Union and joined the Fatherland. Many values ​​related to Kazakh culture, literature and history were returned with them. The most important thing was the return to the Homeland of dozens of artists who, following the path of their destiny through the historiography of all Kazakhs, made a significant contribution to the treasury of Kazakh literature in the future. Zhagda Babalykuly, Orazakyn Askar, Kazhytai Ilyasuly, Zharken Bodeshuly, Nusipkhan Aitanuly, Alimgazy Dauletkhanuly and others have been a complete cluster. People's Writer of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a prominent writer, Kabdesh Zhumadilov is at the forefront of this group, that is always famous among Kazakhs today.

Kabdesh Zhumadilov is a writer who has been working productively in Kazakh literature for more than sixty years since the late fifties, forming his own style and expressing the lives of millions of Kazakhs who have lived and continue to live on the other side of the border.

Since the late sixties, many literary and critical articles have been published in the press about the work of Kabdesh Zhumadilov, a writer with a theme of his own, a system of autographs, a masterful language table, and almost unique poetics of the Kazakh language. Therefore, the works of the writer are always in the spotlight of theorists of literature and critics. During the period of Kazakh literary criticism, some wall critics focused on the literary works of Kabdesh Zhumadilov, analyzed and evaluated the artistic aspects of his works as well. This list is obviously a long bibliographic list. "Lessons of Life" by Rakhmankul Berdibayev, "History and Destiny" and "Herald of Independence" by Sheriyazdan Eleukenov, "Perfect Period" by Rymgali Nurgaliyev, "Lessons of History" by Bakhytzhan Maitanov, "Novel and Us" by Zeynolla Serikkaliev, "The destiny of the people with burnt soul" and “Heroic period of Kazakh people” by Nurdaulet Akysh are among them.

Kabdesh Zhumadilov, who is known as a writer who brought the theme of Kazakhs abroad to Kazakh literature, wrote about his creative life, ancestors, parents, growing environment, education, migration from China to Atyrau and ways of living and growing there. It is known that he wrote in detail in his memoir novel. In general, in addition to the author's memoir novel "Amazing World", there are a number of stories and short stories like "Saryzhailau", "Jumpers", "Residents of one city", "A group of peacocks", dilogy "The Last Migration", "Fatherland", "Destiny", novels "Daraboz" – works that are widely known to the public.

One of the peculiarities of the group, which came to literature in the sixties of the last century, was the great respect and support of the older generation. And the fact that his peers explore each other, rejoiced at the good, and, where necessary, made critical comments, raised the literature to a higher level. We see that writers, literary critics and researchers have given a plenty of feedback on the work of Kabdesh Zhumadilov. A well-known writer Akim Tarazi expressed his opinion about Kabdesh Zhumadilov`s contribution to our literature, and his place itself: “Today there is a powerful group of people who are called the middle generation and carry a heavy burden of Kazakh prose. It is an educated and authoritative group with five weapons, and a well-prepared for the literature as well. When I joined the black competition of literature in the early sixties for the first time, there were a lot of reviews. About a quarter of a century later, as we look back and forth, the first line of blackheads shook and fell to the ground. Many runners were caught in the dust of the stagnation years, and at the end of the race they were normal, and only the long-distance runners survived the race. Kabdesh Zhumadilov, who is the leader of the group today, is one of those talented people as well. Is it true that just as the runners who jump off the shelf gradually become intermittent in the chaotic plain, so does the creative race of the writers slow down from the beginning or add to the pace? If you look at Kabdesh Zhumadilov's creative work, you will see that even though he is in his mid-eighties, he is still true to his voice in literature.

If you look at the skills and peculiarities of Kabdesh Zhumadilov as a prose writer, he probably likes to draw on any topic that no one has written before. At the same time, you realize that the writer's language is rich and fertile, so that he feels the power of words and their subtle magic. You will see and understand that in each of the writer's works the rich Kazakh language, that has old and new version, is used in a unique way. When you read Kabdesh Zhumadilov's prose, you will feel the richness and fluency of your native language, drinking from a clear source that is not polluted by the combination of springs from other sources.

In fact, no matter what the author's work is, you will see a realistic and true image. For example, the writer says about an incompetent writer in the story “Sharaina”: “The sentences are not sentences, they are like a crooked nail in a bag pulled out of a box. In order to bring it to the norm, it is necessary to put each of them on the chest and correct them one by one ...”. In fact, there are "Works" of many writers who are "As immature as felt", as in this description. This description of the writer is a reflection of his demands and tastes. Only a master who knows the ins and outs of the literary language, who can distinguish the subtlest parts of the word, and who has worked in the printing industry for so many years to fix the crooked nails from many low-quality "Factories" can describe this inconvenience.

It should be noted that the story "Sharaina", that is designed to depict the writer's selfless life accurately, suffering and hell, joy in the creation of a work of art, has a special educational value for young people who aspire to the path of writing. A story begins: “A white paper in front of him sometimes looks like an endless winter steppe covered with snow. In the same meadow, a lone horseman was walking in front of him, chasing a blind man who had been blown away by the wind. There is no way to rush, the gait is smooth. In order to reach the destination, he must not stray from it. When you say that you came out of the ground, you hit the fence, crawled in the snow and stopped... As you write, Zharkyn pretends to be the only passenger in Japan ...”. Yes, the endless steppe covered with snow - a "Blind man" with black ink on a white sheet of paper (Probably a black keyboard on a white screen today), wandering in the world of fantasy and inspiration, will the passenger achieve his goal? Will the road become a highway? It is something that only a writer who has found a way to the reader can do. Kabdesh Zhumadilov is the talented writer who was able to turn the blind people into a highway through each of his works.

Probably, the main key to the ability to turn it into a highway is in the direction of the writer, that is, the only criterion of art is guided by the principle of authenticity and naturalness.

In the literature of the sixties, especially in the genre of prose, it was not easy to impress your peers or readers. Mukhtar Auezov, Sabit Mukanov, Abdilda Tazhibayev and others came from the other side. Kabdesh Zhumadilov, who was educated by literary scholars and well-known writers, came to the literature with his own signature, its theme, expression, individual approach enriched the Kazakh literature with a new theme, unique images, bold pursuits. Kabdesh Zhumadilov's work is a gallery of images with a wide range of layers of the human soul, richly discovered, rich in origin, Baglan, Khan, Black, Batyr, Dancer, Poet, Smart and Dark.

A writer uses a variety of artistic means and methods of depiction, depending on the needs of each of them, in order to reveal their unique character. The group of large and small heroes, in the plot lines of the work is not only visible in their true nature, but also leads the reader to a certain conclusion about the time, society, man, imagining and contemplating the short period in which the story takes place. A plot is sharpened and the philosophical nature of the work is defined in this way. In general, if we say that people are very different in this life, we can say that the characters in Kabdesh Zhumadilov's stories and novels are not so similar. Kabdesh Zhumadilov's novels, that show a constant search for the diversity and diversity of such images in society, have a variety of plot lines, clear characters that are revealed through these lines and remain in the reader's memory.

A destiny of Kazakhs abroad is probably the most talked topic of Kabdesh Zhumadilov. The first work in this context is the story "The geese are coming back". It was obvious that the reader was immediately impressed by the work, that tells the story of Baitas Shal, who crossed the border and returned to his homeland. The reason is that it is a whirlwind of scattered time, and it was the sorrow of the Kazakh soul in the days when he was living in his own country. "Kabdesh is a writer of his nation. Now, that great material, that he saw and experienced in life, has become an inexhaustible food for the writer. Born and raised in one country, coming to another country in adulthood and writing a work of art about that man is not an easy task for either of them. But Kabdesh did not stumble”, Akim Tarazi noted.

In his works, Kabdesh Zhumadilov successfully used a variety of methods to create an image of the characters and their pattern. Whatever author's work you get, they include portraits, monologues, dialogues, details, strokes, and more. It creates artistic drawings using a wide range of literary techniques. Especially noteworthy is the artistry and skill in creating a portrait of a person. It is known that in the works of any writer, the portrait plays an important role in the creation of the image and the revelation of the character. In this regard, the works of Kabdesh Zhumadilov have a gallery of portraits in one word. In some small prose works of any size, we come across a variety of masterful portraiture. In the work we see that the writer used the artistic portraits, created with great ingenuity and true mastery, for various purposes. If we say that portraits have a great artistic effect on the deepening of the main ideological content of any work, the vivid portrayal of the character in it, we can see that the writer has made a significant contribution to the creative reproduction, improvement and sharpening of this structure. And, as it was mentioned above, the characters created by the writer do not repeat each other, and although they have a common subtlety, it is possible to say that each of them has a unique individual appearance.

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