Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Koriugly (Kazakh folk fairytale)...

27.04.2022 4861

Koriugly (Kazakh folk fairytale) 12+

Koriugly  (Kazakh folk fairytale) -

Begali is a critic who criticizes the khan. The horse is tested by him several times. He uses an additional day to test the horse. When he left, his wife was pregnant, and when his pregnant wife Begali left, he died. Someday, it was said, “A child is coming out from his wife's grave”. When Begali heard that a child was coming out from his wife's grave, then he asked, “What should I do?” Then, he was going to the khan. After this, the khan gave advices to Begali: “You should go there and build a man, put the mucus on it, make a doll, take it in a hurry, take everything and put it in your mouth. If a girl is a child, she will play with dolls. If he is a boy, he will ride on the horse and beat the ground. The man can't fit in the grave, the child can't be taken away with mucus, and then he can be caught”, he said. Putting these things away, he went to the bottom of the tomb and lay down. At the same time, the child comes out from the grave, rides on the ground, “Makes a noise”, starts beating the ground, and throws the dolls. Seeing this, Begali can hold the child, and the child cries immediately: “I have a white mother who is breastfeeding, and so that my father is also white”. After not crying for a while, she let the baby go again. The boy went into the grave and came out again and said: “I had a white mother and grandmother, none of them are my bones, but you are my father”. He took the child home and named him Koriugly, who came out from the grave. They usually celebrate nine days of weddings, and twelve days of games. A couple of years later, when his son grew up, the khan sent another search for a name for Begali. Three months after he left, he rode the three horses and brought a horse called Girat, that he took to the khan. When he hits a horse, he steps on it nine times. “The critic's eyes are white, so you should cut out his eyes and take his name”, said the khan. He cut out Begali's eyes and brought the horse to him. Begali told his son: “Build a house, put a horse in it, put two buckets of water on each side, close the door and don't come back”. At that time Koriugly thought, “Look, what's the matter, let me see”, and when he came back, he saw that the horse had two wings and was dipping it in the water of the samovar. “He cut out my father's eyes because he thought a horse with wings was bad”, said Koriugly, who went out into the street and insulted the khan's ancestors. Returning home, he said:

– “Dear father, a horse has wings”, – he said.

– Have you told anyone about this, son? – his father inquired.

– “I didn’t tell you, I went out and scolded the Khan’s ancestors”, – he said.

Then, they said:

– “Oh, son, bring the horse. After this, Koriugyl`s family brought a horse, and they fled on this horse when the Koriugyl`s family members were eight years old”. During the flight, they said:

– Don’t worry, Dad! This horse has reached us.

– My son, he was a long time ago the son of an old stallion:

– “Father, this grey horse has just arrived”, – he said.

– “He does nothing when he grows up. He was a cheater”, – he said.

– “Father, this black horse has just arrived”, – he said.

– “He was the child of three tricks, he had a stink in one eye and walked under the sun in thick gray. Besides that, he wanted the sun to shine in his eyes and sweat”, – he said.

In addition, a black horse could not ride. Then, Begali got up and told his son the critics:

– “Oh boy, what did you see at sunset?” – he said.

Then, the boy answered:

– “A dark cloud is visible”, – he said.

– “It's not a cloud, it's Zhambilbel's mountain. There is only one footpath on its Temirkazyk`s side. You need to follow that road, then this mountain will be our home”, he said. If you go up to the east side of the mountain, there is a big house on it. So that, you should go down to the side of the mountain. “There is a saint on the west side, go to him, what will the saint give”, he said. The next day the boy went and spent the night.

– “Well, boy, what did he say?”, – he said.

– “The mother said that someone had clothes and weapons in the hole, so go and get them”, - she said.

– “Well, just apologize the God, go and get it”, – he said. So, he straight way went there and brought. Once upon a time, there was an entrance under the mountain. Then, the father said to the son:

– “Go to the entrance and get the firewood, light it, eat by yourself, bring me the food”, - he said.

After eating and sleeping at night, he killed his guards, drove his camels and the camels to the top of the mountain. When he climbed the mountain, he became a brother and a sister. One day, Koriugly sat down and asked his father:

– “Are you angry?”, – he asked. Then the father said:

– “My dear, a hero named Besbatyr kidnapped my sister a long time ago”, - he said. Koriugly went to the search of Besbatyr's country. Someday, Koriugly found Besbatyr's country and came out from the house to talk.

– “Who are you looking for, son?” – he stated.

– “What I am looking for is the land of Besbatyr”, – he said.

– “My dear, what were you doing there?”, – he said.

– “There was a sister who was abducted”, – he said.

– She is your sister, but what you can do is that I cannot carry you, because I'm dying. Besbatyr has a beautiful daughter named “Ak Dinas”. An old woman came into the house and said to the girl:

– “Take koumiss to an outsider”, – he said. Later, the girl brought koumiss to them. While holding the koumiss, Koriugly pulled the girl by one hand and the old woman lifted her up.

– “Besbatyr has five days of sleep, but when he woke up, it was enough, so you should not worry”, – the old woman said. After he left, Besbatyr woke up, rode on the black stallion, and when he approached Koriugly, he came across the stream. Koriugly had thrown Girat into the river, and Girat went to the other side and just hit him. A black stallion was cursing, one of his legs fell into the water, and then Besbatyr said: “A black horse gave urine to Girat's mother. You will not give Girat's urine to anyone else. We are wishing best of luck to your husband”, – Besbatyr said. Koriugly took Ak Dinas back to his father.

Once upon a time, Koriugly told Ak Dinas:

– “Is there anyone on this dark land who can match my strength?” – he stated. Then, Ak Dinas said:

– “My father Besbatyr would have hugged you and taken you away”, – he said.

Then, Koriugly said:

– “I will see the strength of your father”, – he said. Then, Ak Dinas replied:

– “My father walks alone between Tashkent and Kokand”, – he said. As they say, it is located between Tashkent and Kokand. As, Koriugly approached, Besbatyr expressed his opinion:

– “You are a spectator, and you should stay as a guest”, – he said. Then, Koriugly replied:

– “I'm not going down”, – he answered.

– “Then stand up later”, – Besbatyr said. After that, he took his name and said:

– “Let Ak Dinas come and take this horse”, – he said. Someday, Koriugly was watching Besbatyr and tried to shoot him, but he couldn't. Therefore, Besbatyr keeps saying, “I'll be the landing mosquito”. At the same time, when Besbatyr woke up in the morning, Koriugly shot him, and the bullet just passed around. At this moment, Besbatyr said to Koriugly: “Take my belly and wrap it around your waist, my ghost will land on you”. Then, he would wrap himself in a tree to test the drink, and he would cut it down.


One day, the Kalmyk khan announced to the people of Shintemir:

– “I would take down the gold from the top of the man who brought Koriugly's Girat and his weapons”, – he said. Then, an old woman said:

– “Oh, Shintemir, if you took me away with the wind, I would bring you”, – he said. Then, he was taken to the foot of Mount Zhambilbel. An old woman put a bag around her neck, became a beggar and went to Koriugyly's house. Then, Koriugly said: Ak Dinas poured the koumiss for the old woman.

– “Well, you see, you can't cook”, – said the old woman.

– “Well, your mother should cook”, – said Koriugly. Then, the copper answered:

– “Look, I have an orphan in my house, I have to go there”, – he said.

– “It doesn't matter”, – Koriugly replied.

– “You haven't had the koumiss for five days”, – the old woman said. Koumiss is basically fermented into vodka and given to Koriugly. He just fell drunk. Later, he had given it to Ak Dinas, and he also fell. He also gave the koumiss to Girat and made him drunk. After this, the old woman rode on Koriugly's Girat and took her weapons to Shintemir. At one point, Koriugly came to his senses, mourned his name and told his wife Ak Dinas the following words:

Losing my Blue Heaven,

My wings have turned,

I'm in mourning,

Take up my arms,

Knowledge was lost.

Then, Ak Dinas replied:

– “Oh, my lord, cry is not a request for you, it is a request for us. A simple request to look for you”, – he said.

– “I will make you two fists, ninety worms, and even if you eat one worm per day, you will not be hungry. In ninety days, you will reach the place you are looking for, the footprints of the tulpar will be engraved like the hearth, and then you will find it”, – he said.

An iron rod was on his head, and the iron fist was on his leg, two fists were in his hands and ninety worms were on his way. When he left, he expressed his farewell messages to Ak Dinas:

Within a year,

I want to be safe,

Do not give in to the enemy,

One of the forty brothers called Asan and began to speak:

My cattle have collected

It's up to you,

You will not give in to the enemy.

Having been told that, Koriugly went in search of his name. It takes at least eighty days to reach the land of Shintemir. Koriugly's horse had four legs on four pegs, one head on one peg, and throws the bait. When Girat saw Koriugly, he broke the peg and continued to follow Koriugly. Seeing this, the Kalmyks went to the khan and told him. Then, the khan answered:

– “Call him”, – he said. He brought a watchman. Then, the khan stood up and said:

– “Do you know who Koriugly is?” – he asked.

– “Yes, I know”,

– “I have been watching this for five years”, – he said.

– “Then you must evaluate it”, – he said.

– “Well, my mother is dead, my five children are homeless. Where can I leave her, she might be dying”, – he claimed.

– “Even if she dies, she will be hired”, – he noted. Then Koriugly evaluated Girat and fattened the horse completely without introducing himself to the Kalmyks. One day, the khan called a horseman and asked him:

– Can you play with Kok Girat? – he asked.

– “You can play with Koriugly's weapons and clothes”, – the horseman said.

– “Well, here are the clothes and weapons”, – he answered.

– “Then I will play”, – he said. Koriugly Batyr pondered:

– “I will get tired of this horse, I should leave it faster”. Then, he told the khan:

– “The game is over, you have to shoot a bullet and shoot it, it will not stop”.

Overall, there are seven signs:

I couldn't be safe,

I couldn't shoot seven shots,

The bullet flickered.

– “Hold on, close the gate, this is Koriugly”, – said the khan. He left quickly before closing the gate. The Kalmyks were closed, chased and fought there. Koriugly also ran away, the horse was hooved the freeze and he had been very tired at least for fifteen days. Besides that, the three rows of Kalmyks were captured, Koriugly began to speak to his horse:

Girat horse, the moon,

From the mountain of Zhambilbel,

I arrived on the foot.

I did not spare for you,

I have a fly in my chest,

Do not leave the enemy.

Seeing this, the Kalmyks returned, saying, “We will probably perish in the vain”. Then, Girat climbed up and were down the hill, and after crossing the hill, the horse stopped riding. Koriugly lead the horse on the foot. After leaving for Kalmykia, Koriugly requested the following tasks from his adopted brother Ak Dinas:

– “It has gone, now you touch us”, – he said. Later on, Ak Dinas said:

– “What will I say when I see you tomorrow?” His brothers do not listen to him, and Ak Dinas stood up and said:

At first I was sad

I didn't know that.

That they could be relatives,

I didn't hear it.

He flew down from Zhambilbel's mountain. The hem of his shirt was ripped off and he was brought to the top of a hill with the same roots and the same head. Koriugly's shepherd came to the brother of the hill, took care of the sheep, talked to Ak Dinas and sat down. One day, when he came to the edge of the country, was exhausted and overwhelmed, he met a shepherd who was tending the sheep and called the shepherd.

Then, the shepherd replied:

– “Don't change Mazam, when Ak Dinas is sitting at the top of the mountain”, – he said and left. Koriugly called once more. The shepherd came running and hit Koriugly on the head with a stick. Koriugly fainted and the shepherd returned to Ak Dinas.

– Who is that candle? – he answered. Then he said:

– “Oh, I don't know, someone with a blue horse, I was like”, – he replied.

– “Oh, he is your brother”, – he said. The shepherd ran to Koriugly's place, carried him and led Girat get back to Ak Dinas. Ak Dinas took care of Koriugly for two or three days, made him as a man, and Girat rested. The shepherd tied Koriugly over Girat and shouted, making the noise. The horse cursed and climbed to the top of the mountain. The shepherd and Ak Dinas said again: “Noise”, and the horse began to curse. Ak Dinas told Koriugly everything he had experienced. Then Koriugly said: “We will see” and went back to the country. His forty brothers went into forty holes when they heard what he wanted to see. He sat down to have a wedding and invited his brothers.

– “Well, my brothers, after I left, you looked at your sleeve and said:

– “If your brother dies, you will inherit the sleeve, and if the horse dies, you will inherit the man, so don't run away”.

In conclusion, Koriugly slowly climbed the mountain of Zhambilbel.

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