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Makpal Mysa and her poem ‘Shogan Abyz’...

26.12.2018 3462

Makpal Mysa and her poem ‘Shogan Abyz’

Makpal Mysa and her poem ‘Shogan Abyz’ -

Makpal Mysa is a bright representative of the younger generation of writers and poets of Qazaqstan. She won several republican competitions. This year she became the owner of the Grand Prix of the Republican Literary Contest “Altyn Tobylgy’ (‘Golden Spiraea’) in a special thematic nomination ‘Tugan El’ (‘The Motherland’).

The contest winning poem of Makpal Mysa is called ‘Shogan Abyz’. The author herself tells about this work as follows: ‘Writing this poem was not the work of one day or one month. Shogan Abyz is a Qazaq historical figure. The poem consists of 5 blocks, it is a voluminous work’.

If earlier the refined Makpal was more involved in love and philosophical lyrics, landscape sketches, now her desire to be an active citizen are sounding louder in her verses. As the poetess says, the historical topic is her favorite today and she is studying it in depth. Makpal began to get involved in poetry at a very young age. Being a student of the secondary school, at the age 16 she became the owner of a scholarship named after the famous Qazaq writer Mukagali Makatayev.

By now, 3 books by Makpal Mysa have been published, all of them were printed on the state-guaranteed order and are available in all libraries of the country. She is currently working on her fourth book.

Makpal Mysa writes ballads and poems.

Makpal Mysa is also engaged in literary translations. For example, she translated the work of the famous Kabardino-Balkarian poet Kerim Otarov.

Makpal was awarded the gold medal of the M. Lermontov Foundation of the Ministry of Culture of Russia for her translations. It must be said that the poems of Makpal are also translated into different languages: Russian, Qazaq, Turkish.

Makpal Mysa is the author of the books ‘Alaqandagy baqyt’ (‘Holding happiness in the palms’), ‘Men kerekpіn’ (‘I’m needed’), ‘Aspantaudyn koktemі’ (‘The Spring of Aspantau’), as well as a member of the Writers Union and the Union of Journalists of Qazaqstan.

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