Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Not switching but returning to Latin alphabet of K...

03.08.2017 2480

Not switching but returning to Latin alphabet of Kazak language

Not switching but returning to Latin alphabet of Kazak language -

Development of trinity of language education in Kazakhstan - this is the real direct way to the future for the young generation of people of Kazakstan. One of the important steps for our country is the development of education and science in the direction of innovative technologies.Therefore in order for Kazakstan to grow rapidly and not to lose civilization, it is necessary to learn the multilingual generation. As the young people are the country's perspective, it is important for them to learn multilingualism within minimum three-four foreign languages. This is a requirement of modernity. The problem of multilingualism put forward by the Leader of the nation is not only for Kazakhstan but also for the world one of them. The reason for globalization and the need for world space require knowledge of the world languages. Nowadays, the world's giant states are also multilingual, especially as learning international languages is an important task. Lot-language helps to solve the main problem of the modern world - the agreement and mutual understanding between people.

Connecting the growing generation with universal, global values, the world space, and the adjacent communicate with cultures and build communication skills. Of course, the aim of Kazakstan to change the position from fiftieth place to thirtieth in the list of hundred most civilized countries of the world is highly connected with the policy of "trilingual language". The purpose of this is top reserve inter-ethnic peace in our multinational country, to form a national-state unity, raising the competitiveness of the nation, based on patriotism.

by Akhan Tuleshov - Literary Portal

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