Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
The Literature portal collective congratulated Tol...

04.09.2017 4265

The Literature portal collective congratulated Tolen Abdik on his 75th birthday

The Literature portal collective congratulated Tolen Abdik on his 75th birthday -

Today, the classic of the Kazakh literature, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakstan, writer, dramatist Tolen Abdikuly has been turned to 75 years old. "Parasat Maidani", "On qol", "Oliara", "Aqshoqida qis qatti" and others. The "Literary portal" collective congratulated the dramatist, writer and author who made an invaluable contribution to the enrichment of the spiritual treasures of our people with their outstanding works.

On the mobile phone of Tolen Abdikuly, who has welcomed the guests in a festive atmosphere, he did not have a breakthrough today. Special greetings were also delivered. Having tasted the hospitable chef from the writer, he was able to ask some questions to the writer and listen to valuable insights into literature, the life of today's society.

by Akhan Tuleshov - Literary Portal

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