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Yury Serebryansky: “Asking your own money is humbl...

10.02.2017 3042

Yury Serebryansky: “Asking your own money is humbling!”

Yury Serebryansky: “Asking your own money is humbling!” -

An interview with the writer, poet, literary author and winner of the “Russian Award” Yury Serebrianski. At the end of January, the author released a new book "Kazakhstan tales" by Aruna Publishing House.

- Good day, Yury! We know you as a poet and writer; someone thinks you are more a poet than a writer. And someone on the contrary. Where you started your literary path: with poetry or prose?

- Hello, Balnur! The first professional publication – is a story. Of course I started writing poetry earlier than prose. It's actually even was lyrics for the music band, in which I participated. I think I am prose writer more than poetry writer. Some knowledge and skills in writing poems enables me now to translate poetic lyrics. Polish contemporary poetry, for example. Or in instance the only Gypsy (spiritually also)-poetess Papushi. The truth is it’s also translations from Polish. Because she lived her whole life in Poland.

- You have achieved very good results in selling books on the Internet. What is your secret? Surely, you have something to share with young authors.

- Firstly, what is considered as a good result? You probably have in mind first and foremost “Destination. Jol pastoraly”. Yes, it has more than fourteen and a half thousand downloads. But we must be aware that the book was included into the basic package special for subscribers. I hope that part of the readers who have received my book will read it. I collaborate with publishers who engage electronic books in Kazakhstan, for example it’s Ikitap Dwkeni. I recommend it to the authors, as well as a shelf “Read Kazakhstani” in the library of eBooks “Bookmate”. As for the general promotion, I would advise to focus on the text itself, first and foremost. If there will be the book – then here will the reader.

- What is your opinion about modern Russian-spoked literature in Kazakhstan?

- We have an interesting young (relatively) Kazakhstani literature. In Russian and Kazakh languages. Decent level of authors. Some media wrote about us and even dedicate separate numbers of literary magazines, it happens sometimes. I will not complain on the State as others. The main thing is not to interfere with the process. Everything comes naturally.

- It is known that many Kazakhstani Russian-spoked authors are published not in Kazakhstan; some of them run over and move out of the country. I think thus we lose their talent. What to do, where young authors should to look for support?

- Why did we lose them? No one denies the reading of Kazakhstani authors, which were published somewhere else. The Internet allows it. You can order the book physically by mail. The support is not needed. We used to live with a pacifier in our mouth. You mean asking the money from government? From whom? It is our money. And if we pay (taxes), means that we trust them to manage the needs. I meant that the government itself must organize programs for young writers, call them on the phone and invite or make sponsorship the literary projects maintained by initiators. Asking your own money is humbling!


Photo By Irina Dmitrovskaya

Balnur Qizirbekqizi - Literary Portal

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