Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Zhunusov Saken

Zhunusov Saken

Zhunusov Saken

Saken Nurmakovich Zhunusov was born February,1 in 1934 in the village Kyzylta of the Kokchetau area. Graduated from philological faculty and postgraduate study of the S.M.Kirov Kazakh state university. Saken Zhunusov taught at school, at university, managed a literary part at the State Academy Kazakh Drama Theatre named after M. Auezov, worked in editorial offices of the Pioner magazine and the Kazakh adebiet newspaper. Since 1970 he was on creative work.

The writer’s main works are: the collection of stories “Indelible marks” (1961), novels “The house in the steppe” (1965), "Akhan-sere" (the first book -1971, the second-1977). His roman "Akhan-sere" was published by publishing house “The Soviet writer” in 1979.  In 1968 in Zhazushy publishing house the novel “The house in the steppe” was published in Russian.

S. Zhunusov is the author of a number of plays put on by republic theaters: “Stronger than death”, "Prisoner", “My dear little daughter, I talk to you...”, “Wounded flowers”, "Equinox" and so on.

Saken Zhunusov translated into the Kazakh language short story “Letter of the stranger girl” by Zweig, novels “Blue shikhan” by P. Fedorov and "Cross-ditch" by O. Gonchar.