Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Sergaliev Myrzatai

Sergaliev Myrzatai

Sergaliev Myrzatai

Myrzatai Sergaliev was born in 1938 in village Zhana –Zhol of North Kazakhstan region. In 1960 graduated from Kazakh state university named after S.M. Kirov.

He worked as the junior researcher of institute of linguistics of Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, the senior teacher of department of philosophy of the Kazakh state university named after S. M Kirov, now — the associate professor of Kazakh language at the Kazakh state university named after S. M. Kirov.

The author of a set of literary and critical articles, translated short stories and stories of foreign and Soviet writers.