Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Shoqaev Mustafa

Shoqaev Mustafa

Shoqaev  Mustafa

Mustafa Shoqaev  (Chokaev) (1890-1941) Born in Perovsk, Syr-Dar’ya oblast.  Toraighyr clan, Qypshaq tribe, Middle Zhuz.  His ances- tors on his mother’s side were khans (ethnic Kazakhs) of the Khiva khanate.  Graduated from the Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg University in 1917.  Worked at the bureau of the Muslim faction of the 4th Russian State Duma on the recommendation of Bokeikhanov.  Wrote articles in the Qazaq (Orenburg) newspaper.  Became the head of the Turkistan autonomous government in Kokand after Tynyshpaev resigned.  Member of the Alash Orda.  Member of the Committee of Deputies of the Constituent Assembly (Komuch). Emigrated to Turkey, and then to France.  Leader of the émigré movement for independence of Turkistan.  Died in Berlin.