Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Omar Kanat

Omar Kanat

Kanat Omar was born in the Pavlodar area.
In 1996 he finished the St. Petersburg state Academy of culture as «director of a film video studio».

Since 2001 K. Omar has been living in Astana.
The author has publications in such magazines as: «Apollinary», «Arion», «Vozdukh», «Volga», «Novaya unost», «Prostor» etc.

K. Omar is one of the authors of such anthologies as: «Reality and dreams: New poetry of Kazakhstan», «the Released Ulyss: Modern Russian poetry outside of Russia», «The sun without explanations», «How people become extremists», such almanacs as: «Through the light», «Walk», «Na barje», and also a number of poetry collections.

K. Omar is also an author of several books of verses, literary works in prose, a translator from Kazakh and English and a participant of literary festivals in Kazakhstan and Russia.

After becoming a  winner of the international competition which was carried out by Fund CEC ArtsLink, New York, USA, today K. Omar participates in the translational project: translation of modern and medieval poets of Kazakhstan (Asan Kaygy, Kaztugan zhyrau, Dospambet, Shalkiiz, Bukhar zhyrau, Akberen Elgizek, Erlan Zhunis, Pavel Bannikov, Yury Serebryansky, etc.) into English, and modern unknown on the Euroasian continent American poets (Chris King, Joe Esser, K.Curtis Layel, Jennifer Kronnovet, Tamalin Miller, Mary Joe Beng, Stephanie Rassell, etc.) into the Kazakh and Russian languages. A part of the authors from both parties is translators as well.
The result of the project should become the publication on both continents of the polylingual book of verses in three languages.

Photo: Hayk Sekoyan