Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Yesdauletov Ulugbek

Yesdauletov Ulugbek

Yesdauletov Ulugbek

Yesdauletov Ulugbek was born on April 29, 1954 in the village Ulken Karatal of the Zaysan region of the East Kazakhstan area.

His father - Yesdauletov Orazbay (1921-1998), the veteran of the Second World War, the labor veteran, the former chemist-biologist in high school. Ulugbek’s mother - Salykbayeva Roza Seytzhanovna (was born in 1929), the pensioner, former philologist-linguist.

Graduated from faculty of journalism of the Kirov Kazakh State university (1977), the journalist; the department of poetry of the High literary courses at M.Gorkiy Literary institute, the writer.

A full member academician of Academy of journalism of Kazakhstan. The honorary academician of Academy of the humanities (since 2004). The honorable professor of M. Auezov university in Semey. Honorary member of the national Union of writers of Kyrgyzstan and a member of the international Academy of Poetry of the Turkic world (2011).

Esdauletov Ulugbek is the author of such books as «Kanat kakty» (1974), «Zhudyz zharygy» (1977), «Altaydyn altyn tamyry» (1979), «Ulystyn uly kuny» (1982), «Ak keruen» (1985), "Zharatylys" (1989), «Zhurektegy zharylystar» (1995), "Zaman-ay" (1999), «Kiyz kytap» (2001), «Kara pima» (2006), «Yntyk zar» (2010), the essay collection «Abylhayat» (2011), the two-volume book (2006), collected works in 6 volumes in the Kazakh language (2006-2011). He is the author of the text of the anthem ("Zaman-ay") of Semey- Nevada anti-nuclear movement and number of popular modern Kazakh songs. Into Russian were  translated the collections of poems «Passes of Altai» (1988), "Achilles' heel" (2002), also books in Chinese "Zaman-ay" (2005), in Kirghiz «Zhuregym – mahabbattyn astanasy» (2011).

Yesdauletov Ulugbek can speak Kazakh, Russian and Turkish.

Since 1971 - the proofreader of the East Kazakhstan regional newspaper. Since 1977 - the head of department of the Kazakhstan pioneri republican newspaper. Since 1979 - the editor of Zhazushy publishing house. Since 1985 - the editor of youth edition of the Kazakh television. Since 1986 - the correspondent of department of criticism of Kazakh adebiety newspaper editorial office. Since 1988 - the secretary of Board of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan. Since 1991 - the editor-in-chief of the Zhas kazak newspaper. Since 1993 the head of department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 1997 the head of department of the Ministry of culture, information and a public consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 2000 - the manager of culture sector of Prime Minister's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 2002 - the editor-in-chief of Kazakh adebiety newspaper editorial office. Since 2008 till present - the editor-in-chief of the Zhuldyz literary magazine.

Yesdauletov Ulugbek  is also a secretary of Board of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan. The member of State commissions of the Republic of Kazakhstan of awarding of the State prize, the member of Constant Council of the Congress of literary magazines of the Turkic world. He is awarded the order «Kurmet» (2001). The laureate of prize of Lenin Komsomol of Kazakhstan (1986), of the Festival of poetry of the Turkic countries (1995), international Alash literary award (2000), of state prize of Kazakhstan (2002). The  chevalier of the Gold Esenin medal of Russia (2007). The laureate of prize «Altyn zhuldyz» of the Academy of journalists of Kazakhstan (2007), the multiple winner of republican poetic competitions - "Mushayra".