Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Bulkyshev Baubek

Bulkyshev Baubek

Bulkyshev Baubek
Baubek Bulkyshev was born in 1916 in Ulytau region near Karaganda. He soon became an orphan, brought up by his uncle. In 1930, he worked as a dairy farm accountant Ulytau’s farm. In 1935 he studied at the school Karsakpay factory training. In 1937 he enrolled in Almaty Merchant College. In 1939 he worked as a literary newspaper employee Leninshiljas, later headed the department of Pioneer newspaper October children. In late 1940, he was drafted into the Red Army, he studied at the Moscow School of Demining. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War is involved in the fighting. He was died heroically in early 1944.
B. Bulkyshev wrote many poems that were published in the national press, the unfinished novel Alma-Ata - my hometown and the poem Aisulu.
May 1, 1942 in the pages of Komsomolskaya Pravda a passionate patriotic essay of B. Bulkyshev The life and death was published.
B. Bulkyshev wrote military essays and systematically worked in Komsomolskaya Pravda. His article I want to live, Life belongs to us, Intrigue and Love, Letter son East, Look, the Caucasus and other were translated by G.Musrepov into the Kazakh language and published in the national newspaper Sotsialistik Kazakhstan. In 1946 book Soldier Life, which included front-line journalism of BaubekBulkyshevwas published in Moscow.
B. Bulkyshev’s artistic heritage was published in 1948 by M. Imanzhanova in the book Life belongs to us, as well as in the book The Immortal Warrior (1965, compiled by D. Abilev preface G.Musrepov)