Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Begalin Sapargali

Begalin Sapargali

Begalin Sapargali
Sapargali Begalin (November 24, 1895 - March 10 1983) - a Kazakh Soviet writer, one of the founders of the Kazakh Soviet children's literature. Father of the film directors Mazhit Begalina and Hamit Begalin.
In 1935-1960 worked in the Temirzholshy newspaper, and Linguistics and literature Institute. Since 1940 was the member of CPSU.
Begalin was awarded the National cohesion order, two awards « order of Badge of Honor » and medals of the USSR. 
Begalin started his literary career as a poet. His first poem «Kazak bozbalaryna» (to «The Kazakh young men») was published in the Aykap magazine in 1914. In his lyric poems «Revenge of a falcon» (1943), «The Tsimlyansk sea» (1953), «A mysterious source» (1963) and so on the author sang of transformations in the country, beauty of the native land. Many stories and short stories are addressed to children, - «Ermek's Apple» (1955, 1985), «Satzhan» (1947, 1973, 1978), «A young branch» (1953), «Teenage» (1960), «School friends» (1961), «Chokan's Passes» (1971) and others are penetrated by love for the country, ideas of the Soviet patriotism and internationalism.
Sapargali Begalin was also engaged in collecting and research of models of the Kazakh oral folk art, significantly contributed to the publication and the edition of works of known national poets such as Issa Bayzakov, Doskey Alimbayev, Shashubay Koshkarbayev, Kuat Teribayev, Toleu Kobdikov, wrote the monograph about life of Zhambul Zhabayev (1946).
Begalin translated Pushkin, Lermontov, Shevchenko, some poems and stories by Mamin-Sibiryak and Soloviyov to the Kazakh language.
The State republican children's library in Almaty is called in honor of Sapargali Begalin.