Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Myrza Ali Kadyr

Myrza Ali Kadyr

Myrza Ali Kadyr
Kadyr Ginayatuly Myrzaliyev, Kadyr Myrza Ali (1935-2011) – a poet, National writer of Kazakhstan (1995).

The poet was born on January 5, 1935 in the small town Zhympita of the Uralsk area. In 1958 graduated from philological faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh State University.  

Kadyr Myrza Ali began his labor activity with the children's magazine «Baldyrgan». Served as the manager of department of poetry and the criticism, as the responsible secretary, then as the deputy editor-in-chief of the Zhuldyz magazine. 1968-1973 worked as a manager of the Kazakh poetry department of Zhazushy publishing house, as the editor of Balausa publishing house, and then the adviser of section of poetry of the union of Writers of Kazakhstan.

In 1966 Kadyr Myrza Ali was awarded for the collection the poem «Oy armany». In 1980 he became the winner of the state award, in 2001 was awarded the «Tarlan» award.


The first works of the author were published in 1954 in the «Pioner» republican magazine. His poems entered into the program of textbooks for schools. He also was the author of some  satirical comedies. The first collection of verses «Koktem» was published in 1959.
Kadyr Myrza Ali was also known in the field of a literary translation. He translated some classic authors of the world literature. His own collections were translated into English, French, Bulgarian, Polish and Finnish.