Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Zhakipbayev Zhumatay

Zhakipbayev Zhumatay

Zhakipbayev Zhumatay
Zhumatay Zhakipbayev was born in 1945. After the graduation from the philological faculty of the S.M.Kirov Kazakh State University worked in rural library, in editorial offices of the Taldykurgan regional newspaper and regional radio. His works started to be printed in the republican periodical press since 1965. Worked as the editor of department of poetry of the "Zhalyn" almanac. Published poetic collection «July - hot month» and "Leyla". Zhumatay Zhakipbayev is considered the reformer of the Kazakh poem, having entered into it elements of a tonic verse and new rhymes. For his early creativity of the poet the cult of love and pleasures of life is typical.

Zhakipbayev's landscape lyrics and Feokrit’s idylls unite interest to the nature. Their protagonists are farmers, shepherds, whose peaceful life develops on the back of the serene nature.