Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Smagul Bakytbek

Smagul Bakytbek

Smagul Bakytbek
Bakytbek Smagul is a member of the committee on welfare development of Mazhilis of Parliament of RK. 

Bakytbek Smagul was born on February 6, 1960 in the Kazalinsk region of Kyzylorda area. In 1979 he was called in ranks of the Soviet Army. December 27, 1979 after military education and training he was sent to the National Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. 

B. Smagul is the Honorable citizen of the Kazalinsk area, a chevalier of the 2nd degree "Aybyn" award, «Kurmet», «For merits», «A duty and honor». He is awarded by certificates of honor and medals of the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and the Republic of Mongolia. 

The author of books «Ауғанның от жалыны», «Мен көрген соғыс», «Война, которую я видел», «Қан кешкен күндер», «Намыстың құлы - Алаштың ұлы», «Қаhарман», «Үш қырлы жебе». Published B. Momyshuly's work «Қолбасшы күнделігі - Дневник командира». 

Bakytbek Smagul is a member of National council at the President of RK. By order of the President of RK B. Smagul developed a plan of the State program «Basic military training ».