Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Tazhibayev Abdilda

Tazhibayev Abdilda

Tazhibayev Abdilda
Abdilda Tazhibayev (1909 – 1998) was a Kazakh poet, writer and playwright, Doctor of Philology, professor, national writer of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. He was named a People's Writer of the Kazakh SSR in 1985.

Abdilda Tazhibayev was born on February 4, 1909 in the city of Kyzylorda, was brought up in a children's boarding school for orphan children in Kyzylorda. Studied at seven-year school to Shymkent.

Graduated from the S.M.Kirov Kazakh state university (today the Al-Farabi Kazakh National university), the high literary courses at Literary M.Gorkiy institute.

He started working with the Enbekski kazak newspaper (nowadays Yegemen Kazakhstan) 1926-1928, as a mail deliverer, then as a proof-reader.

In 1932-1934 Abdilda Tazhibayev worked as the deputy editor of the Karsakpay newspaper, the deputy editor of the newspaper Leninshil zhas, 1934-1939 - the secretary of board of writers of Kazakh SSR, 1939-1943 - the chairman of the board of the Union of writers of Kazakh SSR. 1958-1960  - the editor-in-chief of the Kazakh adebiety newspaper, 1960-1984 the secretary of board of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan, the senior research associate, the head of department of the theatrical and fine arts of institute of literature and art of Academy of Sciences.

Abdilda Tazhibayev’s works  started to be printed since 1927 in the Zhumysshy newspaper then in 1933 the first collection of verses «New rhythm» was published. Collections of poems and poems "Orchestra", "Rescue", «Two worlds», "Abyl", "With All The Heart", «Loving hearts», «Familiar voices» and others were published.

His collections of poetic works «Blossom the steppe», "Islands", «New tunes», «From evening to today», "Past", «Young natives», "Contemporaries", "Tolagay", etc. are noted by the philosophical orientation.

A.Tazhibayev widely covered some problems of the Kazakh poetry and dramatic art in his monographs «Life and poetry», «The birth and formation of the Kazakh dramatic art».

Many years Abdilda Tazhibayev worked fruitfully on genres of poetry, dramatic art, literary criticism. A.Tazhibayev was an age-mate of such extraordinary figures of literature, as Tair Zharokov, Kazhim Zhumaliyev, Zhumagali Sain.

The image of Syr-Darya river took a big place in A.Tazhibayev's creativity, then he turned this river into a symbol, following Heine who sang of Rhine, and Shevchenko - the singer of Dnepr. In terrible years of war there were the new motives, new sides of civilization in lyrics. 
The subject of poems of A.Tazhibayev was also diverse - revolution, construction of new life, the past of people, numerous human destinies, a wind of a new era. 

The poem "Portraits" is a poem about topical requirements of time, difficult human destiny, about responsibility before time. The poet talks about indissoluble communication of generations, about an order of ancestors. The native land was always a source of poetry of A.Tazhibayev.

In the city of Kyzylorda the monument devoted to giving-out writers A.Tazhibayev, Z.Shukurova, K.Mukhamedzhanova was erected. Kyzylorda regional scientific and universal library was named after A.Tazhibayev.