Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Zhaylybay Galym

Zhaylybay Galym

Zhaylybay Galym
Zhaylybay Galym was born on February 9, 1958 in the aul Zhenis, the Zhana-arka region of the Karaganda area. In 1993 graduated from the faculty of management, economy and social development. Zhaylybay Galym worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in various republican editions. He was the head of department of poetry of the Zhulduz magazine, the deputy editor-in-chief of the Kazakh adebiety newspaper, the editor-in-chief of The Kazakh radio, since 2007 the First Deputy Chairman of the board of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan. 

Zhaylybay Galym is the author of collections of verses «Leaves of my soul» (1988), «A heart star», (1996), «Wings of a bird» (2001), «Simple verses in my soul» (2006), "Ardakuren" (2008), "Tobylgyzhargan" (2011), the collection of articles «Roots of my destiny». His verses are translated into Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Kirghiz and other languages. Zhaylybay Galym is the winner of the Alash international literary award (1999). Got several awards:  medals «Eren enbegy ushyn», «Ten years of independence», award of the international festival of poetry «Evening star» in Sapansh (Turkey) (2001), a gold medal of S. Yesenin of the International Community of the Literary Unions, the award "Kurmet" (2009). Zhaylybay Galym is the numerous winner of different poetic competitions.