Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Druţă Ion

Druţă Ion

Ion Druţă, generally spelled "Ion Drutse" in English, (born September 3, 1928, Horodişte) is a writer from Moldova.
Ion Panteley Drutse was born in the village of Horodishte Dondusheny district, Moldova republic in 1928. He graduated from the higher literary courses of the Institute of Literature "A.M. Gorky" of the Union of Writers of the USSR. He began his literary career in 1953 with his collection of stories In Our Village, followed by A Story of Love next year. During three decades there appeared many novels, stories, plays and books for children: The yearning for People, Ant's Story, Trofimash, The Big Sitting Room, From Green to Green, The Belfry, The White Church, The Birds of Our Youth and others.
He was awarded the State Prize of Moldova as a playwright and prose writer.
He is a member of Moldova's Union of writers but he lives in Moscow. 
His works:
  • Povara bunătăţii noastre
  • Frunze de dor
  • Balade din câmpie
  • Ultima lună de toamnă
  • Clopotniţa
  • Horodişte
  • Întoarcerea ţărânii în pământ
  • Biserica albă
  • Toiagul păstoriei
  • La noi în sat, 1953
  • Frunze de dor

Awards and honours:
  • Ordinul Drapelul Roşu de Muncă (1960)
  • Ordinul Lenin (1988)
  • Ordinul Republicii (1993)
  • Laureat al Premiului de Stat al RSS Moldoveneşti pentru romanul “Balade din cîmpie” şi nuvela “Ultima lună de toamnă” (1967).
  • Scriitor al Poporului din RSS Moldovenească (1988)
  • Membru de Onoare al Academiei Române (1990).
  • Membru activ of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (1992).
  • Doctor Honoris Causa of the Moldova State University (1999).
  • Laureat al Premiului de Stat al Republicii Moldova în domeniul literaturii (2008)