Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Dubarova Petya

Dubarova Petya

Dubarova Petya
Petya Stoykova Dubarova  (April 25, 1962 - December 4, 1979) was a Bulgarian poet. She was born and lived in the seaside town of Burgas. Dubarova published poems in youth newspapers and magazines such as: Septemvriyche, Rodna Rech, and Mladezh (Youth).
Dubarova's poems have a style of certain frivolity, full of pastel colours and romanticism. Her poetry touches on many eternal subjects like love, the sea, the rain and the youth. Albeit her young age the poems show the language and outlook of a much more mature person, and she certainly was a talent prematurely gone from life. Some of her poems became songs, very popular in Bulgaria since the 1980s: Зимна ваканция (Winter holidays), Пролет (Spring), Доброта (Kindness), Лунапарк (Fun-fair), Нощ над града (Night over the city).
Dubarova committed suicide via sleeping pills overdose on December 4, 1979 at the age of 17.
"Az i Moreto" (The Sea and Me) (1980)
"Lyastovitsa. Stihove i Razkazi" (Swallow. Poems and short stories) (1987)