Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Berdiyarov Tokash

Berdiyarov Tokash

Berdiyarov Tokash
Tokash Berdiyarov was born in 1925 in the village Abay-Bazar of the Keless region of the Chimkent area.
He worked in editorial offices of newspapers «Leninshil zhas», «The Kazakh adebieti». Now is on creative work.
Tokash Berdiyarov is the author of poetic collections «Pulya I cvetok» (A bullet and a flower), «Dni moi dni» (My days, my days), Ulica mira (The Peace Street), «Raskinsya more» (Be stretched, the sea), «Birzhan sal», «Est takaya partiya» (There is such party) - the poem is devoted to the 100th anniversary since the birth of V.I.Lenin, and also the story Farida.
Tokash Berdiyarov is the participant of the Great Patriotic War.
Tokash Berdiyarov is awarded by medals «For courage», «For liberation of Stalingrad», «For liberation of Prague», «For a capture of Berlin».