Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Bakbergenov Kayrat

Bakbergenov Kayrat

Bakbergenov Kayrat
Kayrat Bakbergenov is the Kazakh poet, translator, screenwriter of animation cinema. 
Kayrat Bakbergenov writes in Russian. 
Kayrat Bakbergenov was born in 1953 in Alma-Ata. 
In 1975 Kayrat Bakbergenov graduated from M.Gorkogiy Literary institute as a «translator of fiction». Since 1987 he is the member of the Union of writers. 
Kayrat Bakbergenov is the author of the following books: «Poimannyi veter» (The caught wind) (poems), Vozvrascheniye  (Return, verses), Veretelka (the Kazakh folklore for children) and «Otrazhyonnyie prostranstva» (The reflected spaces - the book of translations). As the translator he published a story fairy tale by Otto Hoffman “Mister Tau and 1000 miracles» (from Czech), the collection of verses by Yury Hezhki «Poeziya maloy kamorki» (Poetry of a small closet -from Upper Sorbian), Vladimir Ilic's book «AIDS: 100 questions – 100 answers» (from Serbian). 
His translations of the Kazakh folklore, the poems by M. Zhumabayev, K.Myrzaliyev, G. Autova and other poets were published in Smena, Druzhba narodov, Amanat, Prostor magazines, the almanac «Dom Rostovykh», etc. periodicals. 
Kayrat Bakbergenov is also the author of a number of publications of the Kazakh folklore in the Serbian and German languages in the Plomye magazine and «Was ist ein Glück» year-book; the author of scenarios of animation films: «Priglasheniye k igre» (The invitation to game), «Sezon babochek» (A season of butterflies), Slepoi (Blind), «To, chego ne bylo» (Something that wasn’t), «Sadovnik I roza» (The gardener and a rose), Mukha (Fly), «Sluchai na ulice N» (A case on N street), «Chei god luchshe?» (Whose year is better?), «Shol po dorozhke vorobei» (There was a sparrow on a path) picturized in different years on Kazakhfilm film studio. 
The poems by Kayrat Bakbergenov were translated into the French, German, Serbian, Kazakh and Korean languages.