Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Bapiuly Madi

Bapiuly Madi

Bapiuly Madi
Bapiuly Madi (1880-1921) was the Kazakh composer, akyn. Since the childhood became famous for his singing and dombra play. Madi met with known singers - improvisators such as Akhan-sery, Birzhan-sal, showed them his art, and studied. Bapiuly Madi was condemned on false charge. 
In prison, grieving for the native land, Bapiuly Madi wrote a song Karakesek in which speaks with bitterness about his hard lot, the injustice reigning in the world. 
Bapiuly Madi’s creative heritage is not completely collected. His remained songs are loved and alive in national memory. Freedom-loving, solemn, exulting, they sound presently on scenes and by radio. His songs were used by Е. Brusilovsky in operas: Karakesek, Er Targyn, Shirkinay-ay, Madi, Kyz Zhibek. Researches by A.Zhubanov, A.Bektasov, A.Abishev's novel Groza (Thunder-storm) are devoted to life And to Bapiuly Madi’s life and works.