Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Akhmetov Zaky

Akhmetov Zaky

Akhmetov Zaky
Akhmetov Zaky was the Doctor of Philology, the professor, the Academician of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan., honored worker of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The winner of the C.Valikhanov award Academy of Science of the  Republic of Kazakhstan. Winner of the State award of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Member of the academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan National Academy. 
Ahmetov Zaky was the head of department of the theory of literature and literary criticism methodology. The Doctor of Philology, professor, Academician of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Doctor of Philology (1965), the professor (1966) Graduate students of Institute of oriental studies of Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1947-1950), the associate professor of literature of the Kazakh State Female Teacher training College, the senior research associate of Institute of language and literature of AS of RK (1951-1959), the head of the department of literature, the dean of philological faculty of KAZGU (1959-1975), the deputy director, the director of Institute of literature and art of M. Auezov AS KAZSSR, the vice-president of AS KAZSSR (1984-1986). Since 1986 Ahmetov Zaky  worked as the head of department of the theory of literature and methodology of literary criticism of Institute of literature and AS RK art. Honored worker of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The winner of the C.Valikhanov award NAN RK. Winner of the State award of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Academician of the RK National Academy. 
Zaky Akhmetovich Ahmetov was born on May 4, 1928 in the town Uzynbulak of the Ayyrtau administrative district of the Ulan region of the East Kazakhstan area. Having passed study on training courses, in 1943 entered the philological faculty of the Kazakh state University. His further destiny was connected with Leningrad where he studies in postgraduate study in the Institute of oriental studies of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. At this time his first scientific-theoretical works were published. He successfully defended his master's dissertation on a subject «Lermontov and Abay» in 1951. 
In 1965 defended the doctoral dissertation on a subject: «Kazakhskoye stikhoslozheniye» (Kazakh versification). In 1983 Z.A.Ahmetov was elected the academician of Academy of Sciences of KAZSSR, and in 1987 he was honorary titled the honored worker of science of the republic. He also was elected the deputy of the Supreme Council of KAZSSR (1985-1986), was awarded by the Certificate of honor of the Supreme Council of KAZSSR, was awarded C.Valikhanov awards for the monograph «Sovremennoye razvitiye I tradicii kazakhskoi literatury» (Modern development and traditions of the Kazakh literature). 
12 monographs and more than 300 scientific researches testify his success in science, among them: «O yazyke kazakhskoi poezii» (About language of the Kazakh poetry, 1970) «The theory of poetic art», 1973), «Sovremennoye razvitiye I tradicii kazakhskoi literatury»  (Modern development and traditions of the Kazakh literature, 1978), «Poetica epopee Put Abaya» (Epic poetics «the Way of Abay) in the light of history of its creation» (1984), «Poeicheskiy mir Abaya» (The poetic world of Abay, 1995),  «Poetry peak – wisdom», (2002).  Scientific works were highly appreciated by scientists and public figures: M. Auezov, S. Mukanov, G. Musrepov, V.M.Zhirmunsky, S.E. Malov, G.I.Lomidze. Works of the Kazakhstan literary critic were published in Moscow, Leningrad, Ervan, Baku, Kazan, Tashkent, in China and Turkey. 
On width of studied materials, on scale of historical and theoretical problems mentioned by the scientist, his works are among basic researches, their value falls outside the limits the Kazakh national literature and even out of limits of a literary science. Traditions and innovation, art skill of the Kazakhstan poets, problems of poetics and interrelation of the Kazakh literature with literature of other people, the theory of a verse and poetics, research of creativity of Abay and M. Auezov – here is a circle of scientific interests of Z.Ahmetov. He considered the Kazakh literature in a context of variety of development of its cultural and cultural wealth, in social aspect of modern public life.
Having a good command of the Kazakh and Russian languages equally, the writer gave lectures, wrote scientific works and monographs in two languages. The scientist took part in writing of multivolume «Istoriya kazakhskoi literatury s drevneishikh vremen do nashikh dnei» (Stories of the Kazakh literature since the most ancient times up to now), of the three-volume «Kazakhskaya literatura» (Kazakh literature) in Russian, and also the 7th volume of the book «Vsemirnaya literatura» (World literature). Z.A.Ahmetov was included into number of originators and commentators of four scientific editions of «Polnoye sobraniye sochineniy Abaya» (Complete works of Abay). More than ten researches published in books and republican magazines are connected with creativity of Abay: Akikat, Parasat, Mysl (Thought), etc.
Zaky Akhmetovich Ahmetov was the versatile scientist of extraordinary width and actively worked for the benefit of science of Kazakhstan, bringing up new generation of scientific literary critics and enriching them with profound knowledge and skills of research work. He possessed a hugely moral influence of the personality alien to any manifestations of a careerism, conceit and a bureaucratic approach to science. Intelligence, sincere generosity, benevolence to people were distinctive traits of character of the fine scientist, the citizen, the patriot. 
His main scientific works: “Lermontov and Abay”. Alma-Ata, 1954. “Kazakhskoye stikhoslozheniye” (The Kazakh versification). Alma-Ata, 1964. “Sovremennoye razvitiye I tradicii kazakhskoi literatury” (Modern development and traditions of the Kazakh literature). Alma-Ata, 1978. “Roman-epopeya Mukhtara Auezova” (Mukhtar Auezov's epic novel). Almaty, 1997.