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Akhmet Baitursynuly
Boztayev Keshrim

Boztayev Keshrim

Boztayev Keshrim
Boztayev Keshrim (June 25, 1933 – 1999) was the native of Semipalatinsk area (nowadays the East Kazakhstan area), the Soviet and party figure.
In 1956 Boztayev Keshrim graduated from the Kazakh mining and metallurgical institute as the engineer-metallurgist on non-ferrous, rare and precious metals and was sent on work to Ust Kamenogorsk on Lenin lead-zinc combine. The labor way Boztayev Keshrim began in refinery section with a position of the ordinary metallurgist. Worked with as the founder, fulfilled duties of the master. Boztayev worked as the master, the senior master of office. Since July, 1966 he was the technologist and the deputy chief of the in refinery section. For labor merits Boztayev Keshrim was awarded ranks of «Deserved rationalizer of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic».
Boztayev Keshrim was elected the secretary of party committee as a district committee (1967-1972), then secretary, second secretary of the East Kazakhstan regional committee of KP of Kazakhstan (1973-1985).
In 1987-1991 Keshrim was appointed the first secretary of Semipalatinsk regional committee of KP of Kazakhstan, in 1990-1993 - the chairman of Semipalatinsk regional council. In 1989-1991 Boztayev Keshrim was the People's Deputy of the USSR, the member of the committee of defense and state security of the Supreme Council of the USSR; deputy of the Supreme Council Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic of the 11th convocation.
The name of Boztayev Keshrim is remarkable because the Semipalatinsk nuclear range was closed with his assistance. He is known as the sender of anti-nuclear confidential cryptogram to M. S. Gorbachev which became one of the first open expressions of te protest against tests of atomic weapons on the Semipalatinsk proving ground.
Keshrim Boztayev is the author of the book «Semipalatinsky polygon» (Semipalatinsk test site, 1992). K. Boztayev was awarded the Labour Red Banner and medals, the Certificate of honor and the Diploma Supreme Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, the Certificate of honor of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions awards.
One of streets of Semey city is named after Keshrim Boztayev