Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Yelubayev Smagul

Yelubayev Smagul

Yelubayev Smagul Abatovich, a writer, journalist, was born on March 9, 1947 in the Kerkinsky region of Chardzhou area of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1971 graduated from the Kirov Kazakh State University. Yelubayev Smagul worked as the correspondent of the regional newspaper in the East Kazakhstan area. Since 1972 he works in cinema system. In 1975 ended the High Scenary Courses in Moscow. Yelubayev Smagul was the deputy editor-in-chief of the  "Kazakhfilm" film studio. In 1992-1995 he worked as the editor-in-chief of the Parasat magazine. In 1995-2004 Yelubayev  was an employee of "Svoboda" (Freedom) radio. Now Yelubayev Smagul is the editor-in-chief of the S.Aymanov Kazakhfilm National Company and the Vice-president of Kazakh "Pen Klub" (the Pen Club).

Yelubayev Smagul is the author of the trilogy «Odinokaya yurta» (Lonely yurta), the scriptwriter of feature films «Dom pod lunoi» (The house under the moon), "Iskupi vinu (Pay kain)", « Surzhekey –angel smerti» (Surzhekey is the death angel), "Batyr Bayan", "Kek". Yelubayev Smagul is also a chevalier of the "Kurmet" award.