Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Seidimbek Akseleu

Seidimbek Akseleu

Seidimbek Akseleu

Seidimbek (Seidimbekov) Akseleu Slanovich (was born on 12 December, 1942 in Karaganda region, village Atasu and died on 16 September, 2009 in Astana city) – ethnographer, art critic, writer, journalist, public figure, winner of the State award of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology, professor. After finishing three-year school in Zhana-Arka, he worked as the shepherd in state farm of “Kyzyl-Tau”. After graduating the university he worked in newspaper editorial office “Лениншіл жас” as the literary employee. After the termination of university I worked in Leninshil Zhas newspaper editorial office as the literary employee.

In 1975 he was transferred to the Karaganda’s regional newspaper “Орталық Қазақстан” as the responsible secretary.

Since 1976 he worked in the republican newspaper “Социалистік Қазақстан” (“Егемен Қазақстан”) as the manager of department of literature and art.

He worked at senior positions in the “Zerde” magazine and the almanac “Alem”.

In different years he headed department at Institute of literature and art named after M.Auezov, he was the director at Institute of education named after Y.Altynsarin, was the first president of the Kazakh Academy of Education, the deputy director of the Presidential cultural center. Since 2000 he was professor of the Euro-Asian national university named after L.N. Gumilev.

His first work was the story called “Proud bird” (1972), which attract the attention of readers with rich historical and ethnographic materials.

A.Seydimbek's translation of a prosaic retelling of poems of Homer “Illiada” and “Odyssey” published in 1974. In 1977 there is a new collection of stories “Steppe and Destiny”.

1978 — the book "Black Treasure" about life of the industrial center of the republic was published.

His publiticistic works lifted domestic journalism on new level. Together with Zhanibek Karmenov removed a cycle of interviews about the Kazakh song which were included into “gold fund” of the Kazakh television.

Thanks to him earlier unknown statements and legends found the second life. He promoted revival of ethnographic and ethnological researches in Kazakhstan. He made efforts for emergence and fixing of such concepts and categories, as “original culture of nomads”, “a civilization of nomads”. Using historical data, for the first time he carried out the full analysis of breeding structure of the Kazakh people. He developed the concept of formation of a political system, legal system, internal social and ethnic communications. He collected and published folklore of the Kazakh people. Also he suggested to study history of Kazakhstan through a prism of individuals.

He is the author of over 30 art, popular scientific monographs and books, number of textbooks and more than 400 scientific articles.