Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Medetbekov Temirkhan

Medetbekov Temirkhan

Medetbekov Temirkhan

Temirkhan Medetbekov was born in 1945 in collective farm Amangeldi of Turkestan area in Chymkent region.

Studied in Kazakh State pedagogics Institute named after Abai. He worked in the Kazakh studio of television as the editor, a dizeltmotorist in prospecting expeditions of Mangyshlak region, the correspondent of the regional newspaper “Коммунистік жол”. The member of Communistic Party of Soviet Union.

Publishing house “Zhazushy” published his poetic collections “Листья души” (“Soul leaves” (1970), “На старте” (“On start” (1973), “Далекие версты” (“Far versts” (1975), “Его величество” (“His majesty” (1977), and “Жазушы” (“Zhazushy”).