Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Murtaza Sherkhan

Murtaza Sherkhan

Murtaza Sherkhan

Sherkhan Murtaza was born on September 28, 1932. Kazakh. The higher education – graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the editor of political and fiction literature, the national writer of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He worked as an editor-in-chief of the republican youth newspaper “Leninshil zhas” (Zhas Alash), literary magazine “Zhalyn”, “Zhuldyz”, the second secretary of board of Kazakhstan’s Union of writers, the editor-in-chief of the literary newspaper “Kazakh Adebieti”, the editor of the republican newspaper “Socialistic Kazakhstan”, the chairman of the State broadcasting company “Kazakhstan”.

Before election in Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan worked in editorial office of the Republican newspaper “Egemen Kazakhstan”.

Member of fraction of Country Social Democratic Party “Auyl”.

The member of the committee on environmental issues and environmental management.

Sherkhan Murtaza's homeland is in the Zhualy area of Zhambyl region – the district, from the South, which is propped up by Talass Ala Tau, from the North — Karatau. The well-known song of Kazakhs called “Elimay”, which lived up to our times arose in these regions in days of “Aktaban-shubyryndy” nearly three centuries ago.