Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Zhantemirova Dana

Zhantemirova Dana

Zhantemirova Dana

Zhantemirova Dana Asadovna was born on March 8, 1984 in Kokshetau city of Akmola region in a family of doctors.

In 2001, she finished Kokshetau’s school №3 named after M. Gabdullin, in 2005, Kokshetau’s State University named after Sh. Valikhanov, faculty of philology. After graduation she was accepted to work in regional center of formation healthy lifestyle as a press agent, where she continuous her working career as a deputy director.

Her first story called “Сорока” (“Magpie”) was published in local newspaper “Степной маяк” in 1999. She has work experience in this editor office as commentator in 2001.

Then she published not only her stories and tales, also materials on actual problems of modern society in publishing houses “Акмолинская правда”, “Акмолинские вести”, “Кокшетау”. She writes mainly in Russian, but she has unpublished translations of O’Henry’s novels and Alexander Grin’s stories into Kazakh.

Due to her work she has dozens of publications on questions of disease prevention, promotion of healthy lifestyle principles in local, regional and republican media.

She actively participates in public life of Kokshetau region. She was awarded with the letter of appreciation by akim of Kokshetau city for her contribution in development of intercultural understanding.