Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Rustembekov Akmyrza

Rustembekov Akmyrza

Rustembekov Akmyrza

Rustembekov Akmyrza was born on February 15, 1956 in urban-type settlement Kurgalzhyn in Akmola region in servant family.

Graduated from Almaty Architectural-civil institute, architecture faculty in 1980. He started his working career in complex manufactory of “ГипроВУЗ” state institute in Almaty.

He is the author and co-author of main campus building of Architectural-civil institute in Almaty, state institute in Karaganda, the main campus building of Altai’s state university, factory in Temirtau, educational-manufacturing corpus Целиноградсельмаш, educational and laboratory corpus of technical school in Bukhara.

He is the author and the project manager of a mall “Silk Way” in Almaty, the project of a symbol of Kazakhstan “Astana-Bayterek” in Astana, and also individual houses in the cities of Almaty, Bishkek. Winner of the Republic, All-Union and International competitions.

In 1996 at the XII congress of the Union of architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan he was elected as the Vice-president.

In 2000 at the XIII congress of the Union of architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan he was elected as the President.

In 2001 on Coordination Council in Moscow of the International Association of the Unions of Architects (IAUA) of the CIS countries, of Moscow and St. Petersburg he was elected as the Vice-president of IAUA.

In 2002 on the next Coordination Council of the International Association of the Unions of Architects (IAUA) he was elected as the president of IAUA.

In 2004 at the XIV congress of the Union of architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan he was elected as the President for the second term.

Honorary titles and Professional awards:

Honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Honourable architect of Kazakhstan.

Corresponding member of the International Academy of architecture of East countries.

Professor of the Moscow office of the International Academy of architecture.

Honourable professor of the Kazakh Head Architectural and construction Academy.

Honorary member of the Union of architects of Russia.

Honorary member of the International Association of the Unions of Architects (IAUA).

Member of the union of architects of Georgia.

Member of the union of architects of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Member of the union of town-planners of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Member of the union of designers of Kazakhstan.

For object “Astana-Bayterek” became the owner of the Grand-Pri and Gold medal on the X International competition of the International Association of the Unions of Architects (IAUA) of the CIS countries for the best construction for 2002; The Silver medal of the World Triennial exhibition of architecture in Sofia in 2003; The Grand-Pri and the Gold medal of the Union of architects of the Kyrgyz Republic at an architecture Festival to Bishkek in 2003.

He was awarded by the Medal of the Russian Union of architects “For devotion to the Commonwealth of architects” in 2004.