Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Tarazi Akim

Tarazi Akim

Tarazi Akim

Tarazi Akim Urtayevich was born on Ceptember 9, 1933. Famous Kazakh writer, playwright, screenwriter, Winner of the state award of Kazakhstan, honored worker of Kazakhstan.

He is the author of novels “Путь к черной звезде” (“The way to black star”), “Жаза” (“Punishment”), “Москва – Баласаз” (“Moscow - Balasaz”), “Тасжарган” (“Taszhargan”), plays “Несмешная комедия” (“Unhumorous comedy”), “Хороший человек” (“A good person”), “Везучий Букен” (“A lucky Buken”), scenario of Mazhit Begalin’s featured film “Следы уходят за горизонт” (“Traces leave for the horizon”), the coauthor of scenarios of Bolat Shamshiyev’s movie “Выстрел на перевале Караш” (“A shot on the pass Karash”), and Satybaldy Narymbetov’s movie shooted according to Roza Mukhanova’s story “Молитва Лейлы” (“Leyla's Prayer”).