Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Zhantuganova Aknur

Zhantuganova Aknur

Zhantuganova Aknur

Zhantuganova Aknur was born on May 17, 1993 in village Karagai of North Kazakhstan region. Since childhood interested in reading literature.

The first book which woke love to reading was “The true history of a little Ragamuffin” by James Greenwood. Later was fascinated by fantasy world of literature, consist of authors like Steven King, Robert Stevenson, Mayen Reed, Francois Rabelais, Rudolf Raspe, N.V. Gogol and others. But the modern century brought with itself the new world including mysticism and the fantasy. After reading a set of fantastic books, in 19 years the idea to write the small story about adventures of school friends came. The story is called “Darkness against Light” and consists of 25 parts. Having acquired copyright, the presentation of the book published in 10 copies took place on May 16, 2014. In parallel with the first book she started writing the story “Horror of College”. Second part of “Darkness against Light”. Now a huge number of authors of the fantasies writing in a genre, it is also possible to be lost with ease among them, calling yourself loudly “writer”. But she wants to write not simply about the nonexistent world, she wants her my readers found that thin side connecting impossible with real. And for the sake of it she is ready to work and create.