Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Orazalin Nurlan

Orazalin Nurlan

Orazalin Nurlan

Orazalin Nurlan Myrkasymovich was born on June 13, 1947 in village Bolshoi Dikhan of Alma-Ata region.

He graduated from Kazakh state university named after Kirov in 1970, specialty the teacher of Kazakh language and literature.

From 1970 to 1972, after graduation, worked as a literary worker of newspaper “Қазақстан пионері”.

From 1972 to 1984 he was the inspector, the senior methodologist, the member of a repertoire editorial board of the Ministry of Culture of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.

From 1984 to 1986 he was director of Republican puppet theater of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.

From 1986 to 1990 – the secretary, the first secretary of the Union of theatrical figures of Kazakhstan.

From 1990 to 1993 Orazalin N. M. worked as the vice-chairman of Supreme Council Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on national policy, cultural development and language.

From 1993 to 1996 – the chief editor of newspaper “Егемен Қазақстан”.

Since June 10, 1996 – the first secretary Kazakhstan’s Union of writers.

Orazalin N. M. – the member of National council on a state policy at the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the honored worker of Kazakhstan, he was awarded by a medal, the winner of the State award of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the honourable citizen of Almaty.

Orazalin N. M. creativity skillfully combines fine poetic national traditions with high political schools of the West and East. Nurlan Myrkasymovich on different periods of his life wrote not only verses and songs (“Беймаза көңіл” (“Beimaza konil”), “Сырнайлы шақ” (“Syrnaily shak”), “Көктем көші” (“Koktem keshi”), “Жетінші құрлық” (“Zhetinshi kurlyk”), “Ғасырмен қоштасу” (“Gasyrmen koshtasu”), “Зеленый огонь” (“Zelenyi ogon”) and others), but also the art and publicistic essay “Азаттық айдыны” (“Azattyk aidyny”), the collection of the drama works “Қырғын” (“Kyrgyn”). Display of plays “Шырақ жанған түн” (“Shyrak zhangan tun”), “Тас киіктер” (“Tas kiykter”), “Аққұс туралы аңыз” (“Akkus turaly anyz”), “Көктемнің соңғы кеші” (“Koktemnin songy keshi”) and others goes over with success at theaters of the republic.

Orazalin N. M. – the author of numerous literary, art and publicistic articles, the translator. His works are translated into the Russian, Kyrgyz, Bulgarian, Turkish, Moldavian and Uzbek languages.