Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Kapayev Issa

Kapayev Issa

Kapayev Issa

Kapayev Issa was born on June 16, 1949 (63 years) in village Erkin-Yurt (nowadays Nogay region). His father S.I. is Kapaev. He studied at the Rostov construction institute and Literary institute named after A. M. Gorky in Moscow. He worked in the newspaper “Ленин йолы”.

His first story was published in 1968. At the beginning of 1970th his works were published in literary magazines “Don”, “Druzhba narodov”, “Znamya”, “Youth”. His first book called “Kurzhyn” was published in 1975.

At the end of 1970th and the beginning of 1980th his stories “Сказание о Сынтаслы” (“Skazanie o Syntasly”), “Салам, Михаил Андреевич!” (“Salam, Mikhail Andreyevich!”), “Гармонистка” (“Garmonistka”) and novel “Вокзал” (“Vokzal”) were published. The novel “Книга отражений” (“Book of Reflections”) (1989, 1991) became an important milestone in works of the writer.

In the early nineties Kapayev interested in journalism actively. He was one of founders and the editor-in-chief of the Nogai Russian-language magazine “Половецкая луна”. In 2000 there was the next book of Kapayev – “Уплывающие тени” (“The departuring shadows”), consisting of the historical story of the same name and the historical essay “Мародёры Великой степи” (“Marauders of the Great Steppe”).

His works translated into Bulgarian, Kazakh, Karakalpaks, Polish and Russian languages.

His wife is Nogai poetess Keldikhan Kumratova (1944-2003), they have three children.