Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Karibzhanov Khairat

Karibzhanov Khairat

Karibzhanov Khairat

Karibzhanov Khairat Salimovich was born on January 2, 1956 in Omsk region, Russia.

The higher technical education. Candidate of Economic Sciences. He protected candidate on a problem of development of transit and transport capacity of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He is one of developers of current laws “About transport” and “About communication”, concepts and programs of development of telecommunication for 2003-2005. One of coauthors of the textbook “Economical and Legal Bases of Transit”.

After graduation of institute he worked at a factory, he was the first head of transport enterprise. He headed industrially - transport and organizational departments of the Talgar district committee of party in Almaty region. In system of a transport and communication complex of the country worked since May, 1991. More than 10 years he worked in central office of the Ministry of transport and communications. I passed the way from the head of department to the First vice-Minister of Transport and communication.

In 1999 he was elected as the Chairman of the board of directors of JSC Kazakhtelekom. In the rank of the Chief transport inspector he headed Transport inspection of Kazakhstan. Has the certificate of the International center of training of the World bank in Turin (Italy), he was trained according to the “Modern Practice of Corporate Management” program in London (Great Britain). Since October, 2000 till now he works as the vice-president of JSC Kazakhtelekom.

In structure of “Kazakhtelecom” provided interaction of the company with the Government, government bodies and public organizations. Academician, deputy general director of “Kazakhavtodor”.

Distinctive features of character – competence, ability systemically to solve objectives, diplomacy, skills to communicate, insistence to himself and subordinates.

He was awarded with the letter of thanks by the President of Kazakhstan (2001), a branch award “Курметты байланысшы”. Corresponding member of the Engineering Academy of Kazakhstan. Married, has three children.